The Last Stand on NachtderUntoten

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by FORTY SEVIN, Oct 26, 2009.


    FORTY SEVIN Ancient
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    This is an infection map inspired by Call of Duty 5's zombie game. The aesthetic recreation of Nacht Der Untoten was created by THE MILD ONE. A game type was created by Zarof and F0RTY SEVIN to accompany the map by adding the fun level of Halo with the concept of Cod 5's zombie game. After much testing we have decided to release our map and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

    The Game

    Everyone has played several infection maps and most (not all) boil down to one major problem. Either the zombies or the humans are overpowered! Simply put, our goal was to make the most balanced game of infection possible where it was fun to be both the zombies and the humans! However, anyone who has made an infection map knows that this is not an easy thing to do!

    An immediate balance where it is just as easy to kill a human as a zombie would lead to everyone becoming infected way to fast so that option was out. We decided to make the zombies very weak and slow and that we would take the idea of health regeneration away so that once hit, a human would never gain that health back. How does this change the gameplay? This of course puts the balance in the humans favor but since there health does not comeback it is still beneficial for a zombie to get a hit. Since the zombies are so weak this also encourages zombie teamwork as an assassination is still a one hit kill! The humans start with a pistol and at the beginning have two smg's at their disposal.

    When the game starts the humans will be defending the area below:

    Now that we have a solid opening for the humans we had to answer where do we go from there? How do we tilt the advantage ever so slightly to the zombie side? We decided to change the gameplay each minute by changing the map over time.

    Here is the map at the beginning:

    After a minute of slow weak zombies we have stairwells appear that lead to a power up room where there are custom power ups that speed up the zombies and increase their damage. Also over shields occasionally spawn. Also after 60 seconds, the humans have a grav lift that lifts a dumpster off of the stairwell so the humans can access the upper floor where there are 2 assault rifles 1 spike grenade and 1 trip mine. The balance shifts closer to even and the team that uses better teamwork will gain the upperhand during the next minute. Humans also better communicate effectively as there are now many more flanks and the zombies are closer to normal speed and can overwhelm in a hurry.

    The map after 60 seconds:

    Now zombies will gain a few members as long as they are working as a team so the zombies will now have more members then the humans. To account for this we had to eventually shift the balance back towards the human side for an entertaining ending. We did not, however, want to do this by making a super powered last man as this method is just not entertaining. We decided that whatever amount of humans survive the next minute will be able to go back downstairs (via gravity lift lifting another dumpster) to a different part of the first floor that is well equipped (shotgun, battle rifle, one incendiary grenade, and a random weapon box similar to cod 5). This gives the chance for the last few humans to survive an extra minute or two... if they do make it all 5 minutes then the round is over and the humans can do some major celebrating!

    The humans last place of refuge:

    Action shots

    Teamwork is essential

    A well coordinated zombie assassination

    Setting a trap

    Trap successful!

    This game has been tested a great deal and results have indicated this game is at its best with 6 to 8 people (the zombie rate is 50% so this is 3v3 or 4v4). We used the test results to iron out as many problems as possible but could not fix a couple things. The game will only live up to its potential if the humans follow 2 simple honesty rules! (1) Do not pick up the zombie swords; (2) do not crouch jump outside of the building. This game has been tested a great deal and results have indicated this game is at its best with 6 to 8 people (the zombie rate is 50% so this is 3v3 or 4v4). To download please click the links below:

    Map - : Halo 3 File Details
    Game type - : Halo 3 File Details


    Since this map and game type are of very intricate design we decided to add a strategy section that can help you start off on the right foot and play the game to its fullest potential. However, if you would rather play and discover how the game works for yourself skip this section!


    Humans start off with the upper hand but still should have a game plan early in order to attempt surviving the full 5 minute round! The humans need to communicate and cover eachother because even though the zombies are weak if one of them flanks a human they can assassinate them in one hit. Secondly you only have two smg's so playing at the recommended amount (4v4) 2 humans still have a pistol. Even though two humans have smg's they should stay away from using that ammo as long as possible as the next floor only has 2 assault rifles and the two that have pistols will be best suited to use the assault rifles (that way everyone has a weapon more effective then a pistol).

    Once the humans get to the 2nd floor they should pick up the trip mine and the spike grenade as well as the 2 assault rifles as setting traps for the zombies is very beneficial! Upon making it to the bottom floor get the incendiary grenade and try to hold out! Remember: TEAMWORK


    Okay so your hardest section. The first minute you move very slowly! You need to all line up at different entrances and attack simultaneously and try to get an assassination! if the humans are covering each other well and you can't pull the assassination off keep using teamwork to do damage to the humans as the damage will be permanent!

    Once the first minute passes you can access the teleport via staircase. Try and only take one powerup so that all the zombies can gain them (if there are none there no worries just wait 10 seconds). The over shields are not so common so make sure to only grab one! You can also use the teleports to flank much faster as you can use it to go back to the front, to the back, or to the tunnel which flanks the last room. Even though you are stronger make sure to attack in groups as a single zombie still will not cut it! Also now that the battlefield has a few more hiding spots the zombies can wait and attack a human walking by. For that last room the zombies should hopefully outnumber the humans so just keep on the onslaught!

    Thanks! and enjoy!
    #1 FORTY SEVIN, Oct 26, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2009
  2. Lipton

    Lipton Ancient
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    Looks awesome! I'm still wondering how that random weapon box works but I'm looking forward to playing this with my friends! It obviously shows you really put some effort into this forge.

    5/5 playstyle
    4/5 forging
    And an amazing halo 3 style crossover!
  3. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Where to begin...

    Well, you see, this remake has been done SO MANY TIMES that its anything but original anymore. People claim my map to be the best remake of it so far, because I mimiced the window system and random weapon box as fully accurate as possible in Halo.

    Some problems I can tell from your map, just from the pictures alone:
    • The random weapons are all on a set weapon holder, and fully accessible. You can keep grabbing until you get what you want.
    • Those windows won't keep humans out of the map. An escapable **** Zombies building doesn't quite fit as a remake.
    • Humans can use the grav lift on things besides the dumpster if they decide to, leading to yet another way to break out of the building for the humans.

    FORTY SEVIN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I didn't go for accuracy so your map might be better... I used the idea as a starting point to generate a fun game! not a completely accurate one! If yours is that perfect one then I admire your efforts but please don't judge mine for accuracy as I just used cod 5 as a starting idea. And yes if they crouch jump the humans can make it outside but probably 75% of all great forge maps have faults. Many ambitious ideas have a few honesty rules! and if the players are willing to abide by them the game has a very high fun potential. Thank you for your opinion though! if you play it and you find issues that you would like fixed to make it better I will then take those under consideration and work on them.
  5. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    ummm, so you've remade a **** zombie map, and then decided its actually just the warehouse like it, i'd try to use Master Debayter's random weapon box (if he lets people(?)) and then also use the human's gravity setting to stop escaping...
    and the adjust the insides to allow humans access...
    also point it out if i'm being an idiot but why is there a grav lift for humans? most know how to make a lift where you walk over a powerup and then bam... lifted. or a static lift and then a times even to allow it to spawn/ be used.
    and if this is a shell outline of n-zombies then dont call it a remake

    other than that looks good :D but i'd remake with it more drawn away from n-zombies, make it its own. unique.

    FORTY SEVIN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for your input! I am not the best forger so I don't know some of the static lifts! I used all the powerups for the zombies so I couldn't use that method either. I can assure you though that the grav lift is very consistent and even once you shoot it the dumpster stays up in the air due to a grav lift in the ceiling catches it! If this becomes popular I will try to design it to be more unique but as of right now it is just a fun game mode and I wanted to share it with forgehub ;)! I will try to set up a test session and get further feedback from a play test! thanks again and I hope you enjoy it!
  7. XxSniperJobexX

    XxSniperJobexX Ancient
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    The forging on the map looks good but a remake? No. If your map wasn't a remake and just another map, then it would make me look at it better. Also, as it states in the rules, your thread title should consist of ONLY your map name. The game-play is very well balanced though. Things to improve:

    1. The windows.
    2. Random Weapon Box.
    3. Outside of the map.

    1. Make windows that you can't get out of. I would use a mongoose and with a wall or other item.
    2. This is the most important thing. Search "Random Weapon Box" on the web or even on FH and you will find how to make an actual weapon box.
    3. Add some more scenery to make the map look more realistic.

    Oh... one more thing. There are hundreds of Nacht Der Untoten remakes. Try to make your own maps. There is a much better remake of this map on FH. I just saw it yesterday. Forging 9/10. Remake 6/10. Playability 8/10.
  8. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    i too have made nacht der untoten
    actually ive made every **** zombie map. and mine were kinda like yours. escapable, but a nice overall map. but i soon relized that people here at forge hub desire perfection. and i think thats what Master Debayter was trying to say. this map has been done alot. and im gonna say it theyre are alot better MAPS than this. i havent tested so i cant talk about gamplay. so after i realized my maps had problems, i looked at MAster Debayters map and contacted him. now he has a **** zombie like map pack that i am part of. so what im trying to get at is that yes this map is good. but it can be improved and i think you should try to make a v2 with maybe THIS type of mystery box and unescapable windows like these. once again im trying to give possitive feedback since i have much experiance on these types of maps so dont get mad at me. anyway ill give the map a 3.5/5 good aesthetics but the escapability really hurts it.
    #8 cowboypickle23, Oct 26, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2009
  9. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Looks like an extremely fun zombie map! Definitely a DL from me and I'll get back to you on the gameplay!
  10. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    I Too have made a NachtDerUntoten map Very Accurate to the CoD:WaW **** Zombie map i Appauld on what u did with the map but u did ur best to make it look like it but u may need to fix the :

    Random Weapon Box
    and the ability to Escape the map *Improve*

    Oh and i forgot to mention this map has been done alot you should of thought of something else but u did somewhat of a good job so ill rate it 3/5

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