Hi everyone and welcome the MLG Halo 3 Forge Forum Map Pack Number 2! This thread will contain all the information for the map pack. Introduction: As you probably already would know, this is the second map pack. The first map pack was a great success, with a total of 12 maps, 40,000+ downloads and a whole lot of new publicity for the MLG Forge Forum. However it had its flaws. Team changes were comparable to the Open Teams, Seeds and Predictions thread. Many forgers said “Yes, I will forge” and failed to deliver. Participation was restricted to certain members only. The quality of the map pack was, arguably, not up to where it was hoped to be. So, after much discussion (which was very, very appreciated <3) we’ve changed how this map pack will work. Theoretically, it should solve all the previous problems and lead to a larger participation and quality. How the Map Pack will work: 1. All interested participants (as individuals or teams – it’s optional) will sign up by posting in this thread. Participation is open to everybody. 2. Everyone will have until January 16th to submit their maps in a category of either 4v4, 1v1, 2v2, FFA or SB/BTB. Participants may submit as many maps as they like, and are not limited to any category. 3. A panel of 7 judges will test each map thoroughly and will narrow the 4v4 submissions down to maps they deem of a high enough quality to be part of map pack. All other categories (1v1, 2v2, FFA and SB/BTB) will be judged separately from each other and are pending popularity. 4. The remaining 4v4 maps ONLY will be re-judged and rated. The Top 8 maps will gain the Top 8 spots in the fileshare. The rest of the 4v4 maps as well as 1v1, 2v2, FFA and SB/BTB maps will fill out the fileshare. 5. Once the map pack is released, individual threads for each map are allowed to be posted. This is highly encouraged, and is to be done by the map creator only. (Note: This means that under no circumstances should a map be posted before the map pack release if you wish it to have a chance to be in the pack.) Rules: -Anyone is eligible to participate -Teams are optional(Working as a team can be very beneficial but it is advised to not have many forgers working on one map, because different visions can often compromise the quality of the map.) -Deadline for submission is January 16th. NO EXCEPTIONS -Forgers may submit as many maps as they like, in any different category -4v4 maps must support AT LEAST one v7 gametype; 1v1 maps must support MLG Forge 1v1; FFA maps must support MLG FFA -The maps will be judged by a panel of 7 panellists all who have extensive experience with competitive map making. Updates on how to submit maps will come closer to the end of the map making period, likely around the turn of the year. In order to get this thread up ASAP links to gametypes and other miscellaneous links will be edited in. For more information now, visit this thread.
*Reserved in case I need to clarify something This is a great way to get into MLG map design. The map pack is specifically been designed to co-incide with v8 testing for MLG - so it would be the perfect way to get attention for your map. Not to mention about 3000+ DL's from a combination of users from mlgpro.com, Bungie Blog, HBO and other Forge websites. However don't take it lightly - no map is garaunteed, and you are going to have to create a very good map to get into the map pack, let alone Top 8. If you have any questions PM me about it. This is a great oppurtunity and it is fantastic to see co-operation between the two sites. EDIT: Post from me on Page 2
Same, but I need to come up with a really unique yet MLG design... Glad we have all the way up till January to do this tho.
Thanks for adding me to the forgers list on MLG, Bob. I'll be releasing a 1v1 map on Foundry for this. It's completed, but I know I'll be making extensive changes to it once I begin testing.
this is gonna be pretty sweet. Hey if anyone wants to forge on a team, I've only got one other member, so I could use a few teammates. School is really bad right now, and I just found out ive got Swine Flu, so I won't be doin any serious forging for a while, maybe more towards thanksgiving.
I'll be sure to join this competition because I've got a nice 4v4 map or 2v2 depending. So good luck to all.
I'll be submitting a Foundry 1v1 map that I've shown the design for over at MLGPro.com. I'm glad to see this going on again after the first map pack being such a success. I'll be getting it done over Winter Break hopefully.
Big opportunity for those into making mlg/ mlg styled 1v1s and 2v2s. If you get a map in this time it will mean a lot of attention and a lot of downloads. Y'all should definitely give it a shot.
MeNaCe x TIGER and I, are working on a lot of MLG, and BTB, FFA maps, so I could see us trying for this, we have a ton of designs
I was hoping you would jump on board! Well, you really should and I can't wait to see your new maps bro.
It sucks cause I just finished a really good mlg map and I don't know if I can hold off till next year but it definetly gives me plenty of time to think something up. So I'll probably be entering a 4v4 map.
I am forging a 4 vs 4 for the competition and a 1 vs 1 too. So slap my name on that list lol It was a good idea to post it here on FH. We want this to get as much publicity as it can. Becaause not only does it help make your map pack more successful Bob, it also makes MLGpro.com's forge forums more used. Thanks, I will get right to work o those maps.
Sorry if this little bump is against the rules, but now Anaheim is done and dusted I want to try and pick up the pace a little. It just seems like a ordinary old map pack, but the release of this coincidently (cough, cough) co-incides with MLG Version 8 Testing - i.e., probably the maps that will stay for the entire 2010 MLG season. With Halo Reach probably out by 2011 season, this is essentially the last chance for any forged maps to get on the circuit. Which is why we are working with Killa KC - which in case you don't know, is the guy who, at the end of the day, has the final decision of what map stays and what map is out. Didn't like Guardian or Lockdown being removed? Happy that Heretic is in V7? Killa KC is the man who decided exactly that. So where does the map pack come in? The map pack is being closely followed by KC and he helped massively in the publicity that it got. He tested out each map personally and there were a few from that 12 that caught the eye. The map pack is the perfect way to showcase your map and get into consideration for Version 8. I'm looking to have him as a judge of the Top 8 maps as well at this stage, but nothing about judges is confirmed as of yet. So, that's what is on the line - some may be disspointed there is no obvious prize. But I'm sure many people would rather have 100,000 DL's, instant recognition and Pucket calling out Tsquared's Overkill on MLG Championship Sunday for $100,000 on YOUR MAP - rather than 1600 MS Points. If you like what you've read, head over to this thread, sign up on mlgpro.com and start forging. Again, apologies if this little bump is against the rules - but I hope one or two people have read this and have been motivated to be a part of the map pack.
No reason to apologize, perfectly legitimate post. I'm workin on a design here and there.. we'll see what happens. I'm gonna take my time with it.
Just want to give this thread a little bump, and then perhaps a mod can lock it. The reason I'm doing so is because the Map Pack 2 is released! Forgehub Link mlgpro.com link