Left4Bread on BloodLossPT1 Recommended Players - 4-16 Hey Forgehub! This is my first map I am posting here. This is the first map in my series of 5 maps that are based on the Left 4 Dead get from point A to B gameplay. I called it Left4Bread because there are probably hundreds of gametypes (remakes or not) that are called Left 4 Dead so I wanted to make a different name for my gametype. BTW, NO weapons on the map respawn, to add realism and to stop camping. Spawning System/ Gametype In all of my maps in the series zombies spawn facing multiple teleporters. The teleporters take you throughout the map in order of the survivor's route. Far left teleporter goes to the beginning of the map, far right teleporter takes you to the end of the map. In the gametype zombies have 10 seconds to pick up weapons so after a certain amount of time a custom powerup spawns with a gravity hammer to turn you into a "Tank" from Left 4 Dead. In this map an overshield and power drain spawns to turn you into a "Spitter" for L4D2. Story (Only Read if You Want To Know About my Series) (This is mostly a joke) So like the zombies popped up out of nowhere and everyone was like, OMG, so they turned into zombies and the survivors got away and heard from a radio that the military made an outpost in a nearby city so they drove there and after almost hitting another car they crash through a wall and emerge in the city. Pics: Overview (Without Gloomy FX On) Starting Area Further Down the Street Weapons and Car Pile Car Pileup Behind Car Pilup Weapon Drop (Sniper, Battle Rifle, and Shotgun) Little Contruction Area (7-Wood on the edge) More of the Construction Site Barricade Ending/ Saferoom Door Map = Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype= Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Action pictures would be a nice addition to this post, seeing as this is a class based game which can lead to some major gameplay issues. So please go back and take pictures of a game with the recommended player count, and if you haven't played any, try to set up a thread in a seperate forum for sign-ups to test out your map.
Well, i finally found this post! A few friends told me about a game called Left 4 bread and i know that they meant it was on forgehub because another one of my friends uses it, so i thought to take a look. Everyone loved it! <3 <3 <(^_^)< I played it as well, i beleive the easy to play and balanced gameplay was my fav. The map itself i find rather origional and pretty good overall. Nice job all in all! =D
This has a nice urban city look to it, similar in away like left 4 dead. Having jail bars is always a nice ethical add on to any map. The barricaded room with the wooden boards is a nice idea. You could do a time event with the boards, allowing the humans to get situated and then the entrance gets sealed off for good. Causing the infected to find another route. If you haven’t are ready did that yet. Great map, downloading now.
When I saw the first pic I literally said "Holy crap, I jizzed my pants." This looks amazing. Thanks to you, I won't be able to sell Halo 3 now so I can pay off my Modern Warfare 2 pre-order. Grr.... (5/5)