Some lucky sod in france got his MW2 2 weeks early, and F2ST nicely uploaded some footage for us. YouTube - modern warfare 2, leaked ps3 gameplay, w/commentary part 1 YouTube - modern warfare 2, leaked ps3 gameplay, w/commentary part 2 YouTube - modern warfare 2, leaked ps3 gameplay, w/commentary part 3 3rd person in MP. Holy mother of a cow xD YouTube - modern warfare 2, 3rd person confirmed for multiplayer
same. Never really been much a fan of 3rd person, but this means adios bye-bye to other 3rd person FPS's.
Finally socom will die. I hate those videos that people tag as every word in the book on youtube and ****.
ehhh it hardly means the death of other third person shooters. most TPS games have a completely different gameplay style than CoD, one that focuses more on cover and strategy. like gears. i love my gears. i also love my CoD. and i also love my halo. they all have completely different gameplay styles. CoD in third person wont be anything like gears or most other TPS games. but its still a cool feature, not that i'll play in those playlists much. i doubt many people will. CoD is a game that is meant to be played in the first person perspective.
Yeah, i see what you mean, but MW2 was going to take a huge amount of players away from those games anyway, it just seems like their making it worse . lol.
YouTube - LEAKED AIRPORT GAMEPLAY MODERN WARFARE 2. *Spoilers* Not sure if you guys have seen or heard of this yet, but it's showcasing a level in MW2 in which you play as Russian Terrorists and brutally murder un-armed civilians in an airport. I'm amazed they are getting away with this.
Holy crap. how did they get away with that? That first scene of killing all the civilians is unbelievable! wow.
Bwahhaha. I get to play this in a few days. My teacher is getting an early copy from the publisher. The games modes look interesting though. 3rd Person.
eh its fine. its not like they showed that much, mainly just the third person playlists. no gameplay.
YouTube - modern warfare 2, new spec-0p video ac-130 and if you cant view them: Its all about the Game! EDIT: that mission where you mow down everyone at the airport got MW2 pumped up to and 18. The first in the CoD series to do so.
Hmmm... France... Hmmm.. Conspiracy time? Joking, but I wish it was the dude from France Narrating those videos in the blog. Then we'd know what was going on.
18, as in rating. In england we have 18, 15 etc. That mission was quite bad and meant the rating was moved from a 15 to an 18. So in american ratings, from T to M. I think
I think there is one that is A or something like that for games like "Playboy: the game" or whatever it's called. But GTA is rated M so...