Borderlands: best weapons you have found

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wood Wonk, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    I don't think that many people here have borderlands, but hopefully more people do. Its an extremely fun game.
    Anyway, those who do, what is the best/your favorite weapon you have found so far?
    damage: 374
    fire rate: 2.7
    clip size: 9

    bought it out of a vending machine for about $600,000

    Seems to me that you find the very best weapons dropped by enemies, but very rarely. You can more often get a very good weapon from a vending machine, although for a high price. But the very best it seems are not usually in the machines.
    #1 Wood Wonk, Oct 22, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2009
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't have the game yet, but I've only heard good things about it... Only thing I don't know is if you can switch characters in-game, can you?
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Do you only find guns or can you build/create them? And is it true that there are 19 million weapons?
  4. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
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    It's all randomized, so there's really just billions of variants of guns.

    That's what i've heard at least. I haven't played it yet.
  5. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    There's a lot, but you'll end up sticking with one for quite a bit. Right now i'm lvl 32, and the gun i'm using only requires level 21 to use.
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    is that because you cant find a better one, or because its totally awesome?
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yeah theres is a lot of completely different weps, but the millions are all just slight variants.
    and no you cant switch characters in game.

    but i just found an automatic sniper that does big damage (320) and shoots like 5 rounds/second. its dirty.
  8. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    a Shotgun that has 89 Damage. X11, Exploding rounds and reload in 4 seconds. Damage on a lvl 1 foe: 10,679 XD. Thats alot. That probably the best weapon in the game. however i did find a rocket that take 8 seconds to reload, does 600 damage to a level 13 reptile thing and Has Shock. I gonna do a review on Borderlands here on forgehub so check that out too.
  9. chrisw

    chrisw Forerunner
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    best weps i hav found

    A pistol called:
    EQ10-B BLOODY EQUALIZER. Make: Tediore
    Level 29 Legendery (Dark Orange)
    Damage 508
    Accuracy 92.6
    Fire Rate 1.6

    "Unending Firepower"
    3.7x Weapon Zoom
    +14 Ammo Regen
    +64% Reload Speed
    Best crit atm 29,000

    A Sniper called:
    Damage 993
    Accuracy 98.3
    Fire Rate 0.5

    +150% Damage
    +150% Crit hit Damage
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I have a Recoiless Harpoon Gun that does 243 damage. The Torgue. I'm only a 13 :/
  11. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i got a sniper i like. 420 damage, 2.7 rounds/sec, 9 rounds in a clip.
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    What level are you? I'm a 15 now. Oh, and what's your favorite powerup(?) thing? I have one that increases ammo every second. Love it.
  13. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    im 32.
    class mod? im siren, my favorite is one that lets me deal 50% more corrosive damage and some skills, mostly that have to deal with corrosion. anything corrosive destroys the crimson lance enemies later in the game.
    a couple of my weapons regen ammo by themselves. it is great.
  14. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    There's 87 bazillion.
  15. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I haven't found this weapon personally (Haven't even played the game), but someone I know found a gun called "Assault Battle Rifle".

    It's like the best and worst guns from Halo 3 combined. It's amazing.
  16. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I found a magnum, 350ish strength 2 bullet clip, moderate reload.

    oh, and I was level 17
  17. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    I found a rocket launcher that shoots 5 bullets at a time, 500 damage each plus x4 fire elemental.

    I also have a 300 damage sniper with x4 blast elemental. I hit constant 1500's with it when I critical on lance soldiers, 4000+ when fighting lower level enemies I also have an eridian shotgun, an eridian sniper, and that 1010101 eridian gun. I got so lucky with the weapon cache's right around level 30. The eridian shotgun shoots lightning. It's ****ing amazing.

    Add me, I need more people to play borderlands with.
    #17 Mischgasm, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  18. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I had a Rocket Launcher with 1113(x3) damage, but anyone who has played the game long enough knows that Launchers fail. They're glitchy, and tend to do less damage/sec than any other weapon class. My favorite gun right now is a combat rifle with 224 damage that shoots 5 rounds bursts so fast that it is almost continuous. I use two class mods. One that gives me +21% experience (I use during combat), and the other that provides +12% ammo regen (I use after combat). I would highly reccomend that strategy to anyone using the Soldier class (both are Team multipliers as well).
  19. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i really dont like the eridian weapons. they just dont seem effective to me. ive found like ten-snipers, machine gun types, the shotty one, and some cannons. i only kept one of the cannons that does like 700 damage, never use it though. sold the rest. they just either travel too slow or can only shoot like 3 shots and then have to recharge. i just prefer normal weps. actually, corrosion is my favorite. i got a nice corrosive snipe and revolver. and i have my phasewalk to do corrosive damage. my class mod is all about corrosiveness- plaguebringer.
  20. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Yo man I want this game, but I have to save my money up for ****. It goes along with being Jewish.

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