Hiya, did you ever want to play infection underwater! How about driving a boat on water, getting eaten by a shark(underwater), and trying to get a spartan laser to kill the shark. Well, now you can in my brand new map and game, JAWS! Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 YouTube - JAWS Above are just some photos and a film of the game, the map is called TheDeepBlueSea, here is the link MAP. The game is called JAWS, here is the link GAME The way the game works is by trying to drive your boat to get the spartan laser to kill the shark, but it is not that easy. While you try to get to the other side there is a shark underneath you, and yes he is trying to eat you. This game has been tested many times, 4-8 Players, I recomend 6...hopefully you will enjoy it! If you have any questions please post them, the game and map is really fun, it uses part of the map "Boats on Water" by Fusionguy, thanks and enjoy.
Looks like fun, but what will stop the humans from just standing on the underwater platform and kill the zombie?
The game would probably be better if you used a Custom Power-Up instead of an overshield. The humans should do no damage until you pick up the Custom Power-Up. But otherwise, it would be kinda fun to play, IMO 3/5.
If I would of used the custom power-up it would be to easy for the humans to kill JAWS, I want to give everyone an equal challenge.
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Err... I'm pretty sure everyone has an equal chance if you just try. And what stops you from standing on the dock and just shoot him?
From the video it seems that can just shoot "JAWS" while on a boat or on the dock, this is a good twist on all the other boat games on Longshore so its a nice change from that.
I wasn't advertising my map! I was telling you not to repost yours! You should at least say that your map is based off boats on water and as we said in your last thread you should ASK if you can use someones map first!
Hard to tell were everything is in the video. If I understand this correctly, your map could be a little bit diefferent. Your could try to lengthen out the distance to the platform for one thing.
The intellectualism of your map/game variant is quite profound while the subtle implicitity of your map carry such voracity, an insurmountable depth goes into your work. Their is a cultural critique and yet a simplicity to your work. Bravo. You are a true artist.
Now this is an origianal idea. (not the name, the map and/or gametype.) Im impressed with the design and structure. I was going to say something, but I think it might count as spam. Aw, what the heck..."I think were going to need a bigger boat." 5/5 Nice job.
Not only was the map reposted, but he failed, again, to give credit to your map, which he built this map on top of. If your map didn't get the amount of comments and downloads you wanted that does not mean you should post the map again. You should start on another map. Preferably a map that is built from scratch by you.
You should make the overshield a custom power-up and make it instint kill and invunerable. Make them not do damage originally. Other wise great map