This is my new 1v1 map. I like it. I've played about 20 friends on this map so far and remain undefeated. I'd appreciate it if someone would come kick my butt so I would know if there were any changes I've missed. I'd especially enjoy playing with some of the "Conflict" authors as this map was directly inspired by their maps. So if any of you "Conflict" authors would be willing to play a match or two with me and offer advice, let me know and I'll invite you this week. Thanks!
Gunnergrunt your work never ceases to amaze me. Everything you do looks perfect and I'm always envious of your skill. Is this the same 1v1 map I saw a couple months ago? It looks different from what I remember. Hopefully I can find time again to finish our project...
That looks awesome. I'm glad Im not the only one who makes 1v1 maps, I swear I never see any. I would offer to play against but sure I'll lose. If you do need help testing though I guess I can help even though I'll lose.
Thanks Mick! Haha yeah, its been my little side project for a while. You've been so busy lately! But I'd be happy to start up on our map if you can find some time.
Isn't it a bit big for a 1v1? From what I can see, 2v2 CTF or slayer could be great! Either way, it really is beautiful and looks like great fun.
Its a lot smaller than it looks because of the way it is built. But yes, 2v2 is also quite fun! I still have a few things to fix for 2v2 though
send a FR to LIGHTSOUT225 if you wanna play a Conflict author but still wanna remain undefeated Looks good
This looks amazing... I always do love the designs of your maps and how clean they look... That center looks amazing with the round kind of center and the bridge. I dont see many people making a 1v1 map but i really think after the whole 1v1 thing people will be making these kimd of maps, i myself am making one, cant wait to see this posted.
Feature. Called it. But seriously, this looks up to par with some of the greatest maps I've seen. I think the only thing you might want to consider adding in is some gold objects, it seems a little dull with just stone, but hey, I know I can't build a map that good so I really can't say anything. I predict you will be getting premium sometime in the next couple of months...
Its the same case with me lol. 47 but terribly rusty these days! But I must warn you, this map can put the BR to shame...
Right then. From what it looks like, it looks awesome. I think you should put in gold objects though, it's pretty bland with just stone. I'm available for testing, my forging sessions are on and off. Trust me, you'll remain undefeated (i'm no Conflict author, but what the hell).
Hey dude. I must say that map looks sheerly amazing.. From the pictures i cant quite make out the power weapons.. Isit Rockets in the bottom mid? Theres also a green body on the roof, least i think its a body lol xD I could actually see this map making Team Doubles playlist.. Let me know if you need any help testing.
Haha nope no rockets, just a mauler. And yes there is a green body on the roof. The entire map is built at the very top of the skybubble so i had to get outside of the barrier to take some overview screenshots lol. I'll edit it out in the final post though
beautiful, jumpman told me about this and he's rly impressed with it aswell. I love the look of it and the fins as side railings on the bridge is cool. I really don't see any problem with this being 1v1. Its like the size of guardian. Other wise good map.
This is the map you completely destroyed me on... isn't it? Have you made any changes since I played it?
Seconded, except we're already friends. I'm a fair to partly-crappy player, but I've been known to surprise some folks during the Conflict testing. I like the looks of this a lot.
Looks pretty nice Might I suggest you go post it on They have a fair few of really amazing 1v1 maps. Ones being used for a gamebattles tournement and two others are staple 1v1 maps of the community. You may find their feedback harsh if they say bad things but it would really help.