Mythic II DLC Ocean Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Ell3ment, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. The Critic

    The Critic Ancient
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    Well, here goes my first map review!


    GOOD: Ocean Arena is likely the best map made on Longshore so far. The aesthetics have been taken to the max, and the clever use of the swimming glitch is brilliant. This map offers an exciting new twist on Grifball never quite seen before on any other map. The boxes have been nicely merged with the map geometry as well.

    BAD: Color coding would have been nice, but I'm pretty sure that can't be done on Longshore (yet?).


    GOOD: I got seven other people to play this with me the other day, and everyone had a blast. We played three whole games of it! Don't tell Bungie, but I like Water Polo more than Grifball. The swimming glitch works suprisingly well with gameplay, and I think Gravity Hammers would have ruined the fun.

    BAD: Well, the swimming glitch is great, but it sucks that you drown after about ten seconds. Luckily, though, if you have eight people, this won't happen as much.

    This map is fantastic. I really do hope it gets into the Grifball playlist sooner or later. This map is staying on my harddrive.

    SCORE: 9/10
    #41 The Critic, Oct 21, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
  2. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    I think it is really interesting how you made them float without making a floor underwater. Love the tube from which the ball is placed on. Great job overall and this looks extremly fun. 8/10
  3. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Thanks for the review man. We really appreciate this sort of feedback! I'm always happy to see someone test the game and really think about it before they write the review. You don't see that too much anymore. I'm glad you understand why we set it up the way we did, no grav hams and whatnot.

    Oh, I'm tellin' Bungie! Actually I've seen quite a few requests for Water Polo in the Bungie Forums lately.
    #43 Gunnergrunt, Oct 22, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  4. striot

    striot Ancient
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    Very cool, it took me a while to figure out how you were floating ( I wanted to figure it out myself!)

    The logo looks vaguely pornographic though, not sure why.
  5. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    I was playing on this with my friends today and it just didnt work too well. It seemed like you would randomly just sink, it didnt matter if you were moving or not. Although it is possible that it was the lag. But i did notice that whenever you have the bomb you sink very easily. This also happened the other time i played it and sometimes it got very frustrating
  6. Fluffy Pie

    Fluffy Pie Ancient
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    What me and my friends found out is if you keep jumping you float and if you crouch and jump you 'submarine'.
  7. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Oh thanks well ill try that next time because it was pretty boring with how fast you would sink
  8. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Haha not quite. When you spawn, you will only float for ten seconds unless you get hit by a sword (or counter an attack). Each time you get hit, your "float timer" resets, giving you a new ten seconds of float time. Same goes for the bomb carrier.
    But its part of the fast-paced action of Water Polo. You don't want to sink, so you fight as many people as fast as you can. Everyone engages in the game, everyone floats. Win win!

    EDIT: It has nothing to do with jumping. But yes, crouching will make you submerge underwater for several seconds at a time. Submarine attack!
    #48 Gunnergrunt, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  9. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Ohhhh i see that makes more sence i misunderstood and thought that after you stopped moving you could only float for ten seconds. Well now that i know that it should make playing way more fun.
  10. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Haha yeah Addict, a lot of our testers came up with similar theories about how to stay afloat. We had one game where everyone was tapping crouch while swimming during the entire match. It is much more fun when you understand the physics. Well, not that anyone can understand a floating spartan...
  11. gabotron15

    gabotron15 Ancient
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    Adding man cannons to the sub-floor could stop people from sinking each 10 seconds.
  12. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    Actually there isn't a sub floor, or any floor for that matter, And on top of that it actually makes you sink when you hit a man cannon. We have tested every which way we could to improve swimming but what we settled on is the best there is to offer at the moment. The way the game play now though generally you either sink after a heated battle or you die. Since team spawning is on generally it comes down to a submarine sneak or a full on push to get the score.

    10,000+ downloads!! Keep enjoying Water Polo!!
    #52 Ell3ment, Oct 26, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2009
  13. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    And to add to that, when you're playing the game, it's so fast paced and fun that you don't notice the times you sink or don't sink at all. Slashing others and keeping on the move keeps you alive.

    At least, I didn't really notice, but if I did ever sink, that only ever happened about 2 or 3 times in the whole game.
  14. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Played it.
    Loved it.
    Had multiple babies with it.
    Very fun original game, and congrats on the 10,000 plus downloads!
  15. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    But hey thanks Arbacca! I never could get you into a testing session...
    But it was pretty sweet. Ell3ment and I were playing this the other day and someone started dribbling the bomb! It was the first time we had seen that before and it seemed fairly effective! I think it might be a good strategy because you would gain the traits of the bomb carrier in an instant, then you could engage in a sword duel if you dropped it (which doesn't work so well otherwise)...
  16. Creech n Spawn

    Creech n Spawn Ancient
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    I found this map to be very fun, my friends and I play it periodically. It's fun for custom game nights.
  17. Ghost00000119

    Ghost00000119 Ancient
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    All I have to say is thanks for letting me test this map. I really enjoyed it and hope that everyone else will too. [I am Fronk the Fish BTW] :)
  18. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Oh hey Fronk! Thanks for testing it so many times with us! Yep lets hope the 19,000 other people (yup, that's me braggin) like it as much as you did!
  19. Grim 104

    Grim 104 Ancient

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    This map is just incredible. Very original (other than being grifball) and extremely creative. It's too late for me to be playing Halo, but I'll DL promptly. Looks great, I'm looking forward to playing on it.

    PS: You're thread is a little hard to follow with all the crazy colors :)
  20. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Just hit the 20,000 Download milestone!

    Also, ForgeUnion has been considering making a Water Polo League. Thanks for all the support, Forgehub!

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