Blood Loss - The Bridge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by LOL Master, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Left4Bread on BloodLossPT2

    Recommended Players = 4-16


    This is the second part in my series of Left 4 Dead styled maps. This map is the bridge, not my favorite map in my series mostly because it’s in the skybox of sandbox. In this map there still is a custom power up and gravity hammer to make you a tank but no other “special infected” type. Same as before with the teleporting system taking you throughout the map. The crescendo event in this map is a small bridge extending a little bit after every 30 seconds. Again, no weapons on the map respawn.


    25% Zombies

    Next Zombies – Random

    Every ones Gravity is 200% with Normal Speed for Humans

    Back Story

    After a quick trip around the city (if you didn’t noticed you go almost all in a circle) the survivors came out to the bridge through a door and made there way across the bridge on foot until a bridge needed to be extended. After the bridge slowly ended, they find the rest of the bridge is broken so they go into a person’s house and find guns in there. They find that the second floor is blocked of so they go into the basement but it leads into a tunnel and you find the next door.


    Human Spawn/ First Area


    First Part of the Bridge


    The Cresendo Event (Every 30 seconds another wall spawns)


    Second Part of the Bridge


    Main Room of the House


    Door to the Tunnels


    The Split in the Tunnel


    The Ending


    ACTION Screenshots

    Trapped by a Tank




    Camping FTW


    Hiding from the Infected


    OMG Tank Run


    Now you can download them!
    Links Again

  2. xDigitalFatal1ty

    Senior Member

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    the map looks great but i think you have you links mixed up

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like many aspects of this map, but maybe it could have more sharp aesthetics’ not sure. I think my favorite part of this map, would have to be crossing the bridge. Game play wasn’t too bad; I suggest little cover in some areas. Over all a good map, my only criticism would be more detail on some parts of the map.
  4. Orange

    Orange Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice, i like this , Yee man has a point that the main thing is crossing the bridge, but the map is mainly the bridge, 4/5 also did you take out the hidden power weapons
  5. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Unfortunatly I hit the item limit while finishing my map so most aesthetics could not be added to what I was hoping, also there are no real power weapons on the map, all of them are human weapons other than the brute shot with 1 extra clip of ammo, there's no rockets launchers and few snipers, the only power weapon that there are plenty on the map are the shotguns.

    The REAL link to the bridge map is here : Halo 3 File Details

    Sorry for messing people up.

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