Fission Mailed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by striot, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. striot

    striot Ancient
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    Fission Mailed
    Created by ST RIOT

    Fission Mailed (Infected)

    Supported Gametypes:
    Infection Only - When I am less tired I will make a version with the spawns changed and objective items placed.

    Map Description
    The issue of the questionable stability of the Hamasaki 7 Fission Reactor has long been mired in red tape. Well, no longer will the shaky reactor cause power surges in our factories and headaches in our engineers. Deemed too unstable for repair, a team has been sent in to manually activate the self destruct sequence. The engineers are lazy, you see. Also, they forgot the password for the remote detonation link.

    Oh and for some reason there are a whole bunch of zombies in there.


    Fission Mailed is a two stage map based around a nuclear reactor. The lower level is the fuel cell array, and each of the four cells is in critical danger of meltdown. The upper level is a series of catwalks attached to the central core. The big red self destruct override button is shining nice and bright at the end of a shielded corridor.

    The humans start in two teams at the bottom (after fast roping in from the ceiling to give a quick preview of the map), and the zombies pour in from tubes in the ceiling. The lower level is initially isolated, which must be defended until the automatically controlled access ramps fully extend in three places, allowing access to the upper catwalks. The humans must then find a way to breach the defenses of the core and activate the carbonated self-destruct pop-top tab. Will it be mission success or mission failed?

    UPDATE: After activating the self destruct, the emergency teleporter grid will come online. The teleporter in the bottom middle of the map will become valid, allowing anyone in the reactor chamber to escape to safety. This is essentially the doorway to victory for the humans. On the surface, there is a conveniently placed blockade complete with MG turret, which is by far the easiest position to defend while they wait for evac. Once the humans make it this far into the game, the zombies have little chance of winning. However, with enough coordination and enough time on the clock, the zombies will still have a chance at overrunning the small blockade

    Hopefully this should encourage a much more focused approach to how both sides play the game, as the humans work to access the core and then escape and the zombies try to halt their progress.

    The fuel cells reaching critical mass:


    This floor is pretty basic, clearly suffering when funding for the project ran dry. The two side teleporters/ramps lead to the upper catwalks, while the central teleporter/ramp leads to the center walkway. Too bad you can't see them in this picture, but one would be visible just outside of the bottom left corner.

    The core and upper catwalks:


    This section is pretty plain too actually. What do you expect, nuclear reactors are friggin expensive! Still, each part serves its purpose. Up top is one of the corresponding side teleporters I mentioned. In a stroke of genius, the reactor engineers placed the fuel cells directly below where hapless scientists are most likely to fall off the upper catwalks.

    Waiting for the center ramp to fully extend:


    Each of the three ramps operates in two stages. Due to the destabilized state of the system, the performance is greatly hampered. The ramps will deploy halfway after 30 seconds, and fully extend after one minute.

    The core:


    Two layers of defense stand between you and the shiny button. Well actually, in this picture, I already breached said defenses, allowing me to finally get to the fun stuff....

    The button:


    There is a label that says PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH. But you are probably not going to read it anyway.

    I know I didnt:


    Activating the self destruct will cause fusion coils to fall for the rest of the round. They may be fairly easily avoided on their own, but when you have zombies chasing you...

    This is a gimmick map designed to encourage the players to actually accomplish a 'mission'. I submit it as infection because A) Hub of the Dead is due today and I have made three previous maps for it and abandoned each of them, B) the nature of the self destruct does not really lend itself to serious gameplay, and C) I ran out of money for weapons. I guess Save One Bullet has some advantages. Too bad you cant use grav lifts in SOB, because you could use them to effectively re-seal the core shields once you are inside!

    Originally the core was supposed to be narrower and each of the four grav lifts was supposed to be destroyed to gain full access, but I accidentally made it too big to be covered by one grav lift alone. It looked too nice to redo so I just made this version.

    What I think will be really cool is the multi-bomb assault version of this map, which I will adjust later this week. The bombs will spawn at the bottom of the map and everything will function the same (there just wont be tubes on top for zombies to fall out of, allowing weapons to be placed). The twist is that each team will be trying to bomb the same point: The central core, right under the button. Will this work? I am not really sure, but it sounds cool. In some way or another the defenses will be breached, but then each team will be fighting to get in there. This will probably not be too hard, unless the bomb reset time is very low and the arm timer is pretty high. The arming team will also get to activate the self destruct from the safety of the core, leaving the opposing team under a shower of coils while the arming team rides the bomb to hell behind two layers of shield doors...which is pretty unbalanced. Oh well.

    Anyway that was a lot of reading. If you actually read it I hope you are interested in this map, and I hope it has not been done before. I plan to remake it on a smaller scale, focusing on making the breaching of the core a more daunting task with bigger rewards. This map was the most fun to make for me so far, and as always I appreciate comments.



    Fission Mailed (Infected)
    #1 striot, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  2. suriname2

    suriname2 Ancient
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    I have downloaded and walked around (I didn't get the chance to play a match) and these are my comments:

    -The Tube that leads into the kill ball is a cool aesthetic piece, but it looks to be easily campable. A human could wait there will a shotgun and he would be near invincible. If possible, maybe you should add a man cannon or something that pushed you into the kill ball. And as a human, why am I spawning in there? I am now trapped, unless I am missing something.
    -I like the zombie spawn, its nice to start up so high (and away from the fussion coils) and its uncampable
    -The fusion coils falling form the sky are cool, however, a few of the fusion coils seem to be falling into the killballs. Although it builds atmosphere (nice atmosphere, by the way) it would be better if they felll somewhere more damaging to the humans. I would have liked to see more falling on the the upper walkway- it is pretty cool to be blasted off the top walkway (it did happen to me once) and I would have liked to see more of that. Along those lines, I think it would be neat if there was a fusion coil placed to launch you into the TubeintoKillball I mentioned earlier.
    -I like the aesthetics of your map alot, it was fun to walk around in. In particular, the power core seemed like a centerpiece to the level.
    -What reason do the humans have for activating the button? As far as I can tell, there isn't one (no escape route, right?) This doesn't really matter, it just means the button will probably go unpressed.
    -Also, while trying to skirt around the grav-lifts as a zombie, I some how got by on the let, and than, slid down the tube y-section wall and briefly got caught under the walk way there (I was able to jump back out).

    All in all I liked it. Aesthetics were good, game play seemed like it would be good (or at least devoid of camping). Thanks for making the map.
  3. xFatalx

    xFatalx Ancient
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    Nice map! I think the self destruct thing is a cool addition to the map and the map itself looks really nice too. you definitly have a dl from me and I'll be back with more info!

    EDIT: I looked around, couldn't get a match going. Anyway, onto, observations:

    -Aesthetics are amazing! I loved just walking around, I really felt as if I was in a nuclear reactor. The falling fusion coils every few minutes are a nice touch too. Good job there.
    -As mentioned above, the Killball tube, while a good idea, was very annoying. I accidentally fell into a killball from one of the catwalks, and I spawned there.
    -I couldn't get into the core. The gametype is Save One Bullet, right? With the mancannon on top, I couldn't get past the shield doors to break the grav-lifts. This isn't really a big deal though since, as mentioned above, what reaason is there to activate the button, unless you made that Assault game (now that I would dl...)
    -If you want it to be a mission, is there a need for the the teleporters everywhere? You should come up with an idea for ad vancing to higher catwalks, instead of teleporters.(Too boring.) Save the teleporters for an escape route.

    Anyway that's all i have for now, nice map though, I'll have to try a match on it though. Thanks!
    #3 xFatalx, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  4. ToxikPandaKoi

    ToxikPandaKoi Ancient
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    I love this map. You have really innovative ideas such as the story and the self destruct sequence. Im going to download the map and probobly play this with my friends.
  5. striot

    striot Ancient
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    I went to sleep knowing I forgot to mention something, and the killball tube is that something! The humans are supposed to respawn there if they are not killed by a zombie. I did not have the funds to make the structure for this prison that I wanted to, so I had to use that tube. The idea was that if any humans got the bright idea of suiciding to escape zombification or get more ammo, or just happened to get themselves killed in some other way, they would be punished by being easy zombie bait. I realize betrayed people end up there too, which is unfortunate. The zombies would not have too much trouble killing anyone camping in there, and it is open on the bottom so that zombies can get out (since dying holds no penalty to them). The original shape of this piece was going to be basically a big cup with a hole in the middle, making it difficult to camp.

    So the tube is far from perfect, but I wanted to control how humans respawn. If anyone has a better idea I'm open.

    As for sneaking into the core, it's possible you found a gap. I tested and tweaked it a lot but I might need to move them around some more. Thanks for that.

    The cores that fall to the bottom level should be landing on the walkways, I will check that out though. Thanks for the heads up.

    The button going unpressed is always a possibility. Maybe people will try to camp in the core, which is feasible, but the shield doors give the zombies a chance to get at them. There must be some other way to make an escape route that works! :(

    The coils that fall before the destruct should only do so at 180 intervals if at all. Maybe if I brace the pallet against something it would work, because one stray coil only moves it, but a steady rain of them would destroy it. Hmmmmmmm

    EDIT: Alright I just removed the tube and let humans respawn where they initially spawned. Whatever, no big deal. This allowed me to make the escape teleporters as I mentioned in this post. I also fixed the space that you could sneak past the grav lifts through.

    There is now a way to "win" this scenario!
    Once you go outside, there is a turret covering the teleporter, and that should pretty much be game over man for the zombies.
    #5 striot, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  6. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
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    I downloaded and looked around a bit. Good map. Well made and it has an awesome atmosphere! I would just like to know how you're meant to get into the reactor, I tried many times but did'nt succeed :(. Also if you wouldn't mind explaining how the reactor works I'd love to know! (I played it on forge and took it to bits but I still don't understand :S)

    -A fun map that I'll probabally play for a long time from now :)-
  7. striot

    striot Ancient
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    You should try a less direct approach to get in!

    The reactor works by using the minimum fusion core count option. All 32 cores are placed - 16 on the ceiling that are set to not spawn at start, and 16 that are always in the reactor. When you flip the mongoose switch, it knocks one coil down into a pile of the other 15 coils, and also destroys a never-respawn pallet that was holding the 15 coils up. The minimum fusion coil count is 16, so when the 16 in the reactor are destroyed by hitting the button, the ones on the outside start to spawn randomly. Without a pallet to hold up the original coils in the reactor, they also fall and explode, perpetuating the cycle.
  8. zachary888888

    zachary888888 Ancient
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    Nice map! Wery addictin

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    This map looks incredible for being in the crypt. I like how the map is built around a nuclear reactor. You had a good story that’s drawn my attention. The forge looks fresh; I will definitely download this and give it a try.
  10. striot

    striot Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments!

    The way into the core is not to just try to jump around the lifts. I am fairly sure it is impossible (although a well placed explosion will bypass the shield doors, for some dumb reason). There is another way in, look around!

    The killball tube is gone, humans now respawn in the upper ceiling just like the starting points. Controlling the human respawns in infection games is an important factor to consider, though. There should be some penalty to dying without zombiefication. In this map, the penalty now is starting all the way back at the bottom of the map.

    The teleporters are admittedly actually there with other gametypes in mind. I wanted an alternate way into the "bases" (the box shaped catwalk at either side of the upper level). Otherwise there are only two ways over to that section, which is too easy to defend against. The side teleporters (which are not accessible until 60 seconds in) also provide players with more than one fast way to the top, because once the action is towards the top I expect it to stay up there and walking all over the place to get back to the top is not fun. The central teleporter was a compromise - I worked for hours on different stair cases in the center, but they all turned out too bulky, complex, or ugly. The center platform ended up being much too big with any kind of staircase and did not match the width of the other catwalks at all, so I opted for the teleporter. The overall design of the catwalks changed a lot as I went along based on budget and aesthetics, so I'll admit it could stand to be redesigned.

    That said, I actually agree that ramps alone would be better than the teleporters, I just couldnt manage to include it in the budget. The original way to get from the bottom to the top was via man cannon and tubes, but it ended up being too great a distance to cover and too messy.
    #10 striot, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  11. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
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    Yeah, even though it didn't win it doesn't mean you should stop. This map has a ton of potential and would be great if a few improvements can be made (On top of your already awesome ones, of course):

    • Make it easier to get to the self-destruct switch (even though there are two ways to get in, at least make the main entrance easier).
    • Make it harder to camp, there are a bunch of camping spots at the bottom. More markers over people's heads would be nice.
    • Did you use all the lights? It is kind of dark in some parts, you should add an extra light or two.
  12. Fiatluxmortem94

    Fiatluxmortem94 Ancient
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    I, uh... err, I... Hold on, let me pick my jaw off the floor...

    Alright. There we go, it's on now.
    HOLY CRAP. This map is truly built with ingenuity and skill. SOme maps make you say, "Wow, what a great idea, but the execution makes me want to cry deeply." The only tears shed over this map would be the tears of happiness and glory. The reactor areas show danger but are well made enough to tempt the lower-I.Q. players in. The control tunnel and structure remind me of "the Hive" from H3:ODST and truly sold me on this map. So well done! Proportioned perfectly, just excellence. 10/10 on aesthetics and map design! My choice for best designed next Best of Forge!
    If you EVER need a forge partner, talk to me first!
  13. simonstwin

    simonstwin Ancient
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    Amazing layout, great gameplay for Big Team, although it feels to me as if it is not fully developed. This could be just the style, but it feels awkward; it doesn't feel like Halo 3.

    Great Job though.
  14. Cornflakes Sam

    Cornflakes Sam Ancient

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    This map is awesome, but when we play it, I saw 2 things wich needed to get inproved.

    -The reactor is far to hard to get in. It is even hard while in forge, but in a game, when the infected are after you, is it just impossible.
    -The teleporter to the turret is blocked well enough, if you jump trough the sender node you wil get to the main flour.

    Anyway, nice map, it was realy fun to play on, and evrything is well forged.

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