UPDATE 9-19-20 Old pics are broken (11 years ago on photobucket) so I’m dumping some temporary placeholders here THIS MAP HASNT BEEN TOUCHED SINCE ORIGINAL HALO 3. All spawns and weapons remain as they were and all forging was done before phased physics. Sanction Designed and created by zombievillan Download Sanction [bungievid]99476762[/bungievid] Sanction is an asymmetric map that has a layout thats almost a symmetric map. At first it seems like your regular base to base map with a structure in the middle, which it is, it is so much more. After so many crazy maps being posted, I almost stopped this map since it seemed plain to me, but then the opinions of some other great forgers changed my mind and I decided to finish the map with its original layout. I made some changes though when Ghost merging was discovered, and I wish it was found a long time ago because almost all of the merging into the Crypts walls was done the old school way. Back to the layout, the 2 main bases sit in opposite corners from each other and they each have a secondary base in the other 2 corners. Each base connects with its corresponding secondary base with structures that hug the walls, eventually branching out to the center of the map where the middle structure sits housing the Shotgun. Anyway, this is a little confusing so I will show you some pics. Attackers side overview: Attackers Base: Attackers Secondary Base: Defenders side overview: Defenders Base: Defenders Secondary Base: Center Structure: Weapons list 10 BRs---------2 spare clips------------10 sec 4 Carbines-----2 spare clips------------10 sec 2 SMGs--------2 spare clips------------30 sec 2 Plasma rifles--------------------------30 sec 2 Needlers----2 spare clips-------------90 sec 1 Shotgun-----1 spare clip-------------150 sec 1 Sniper--------1 spare clip------------120 sec 1 Rocket-------1 spare clip-------------150 sec 6 Plasma nades-----------20 sec 1 Bubble Shield----------120 sec 1 Power Drain-----------120 sec 1 Regenerator-----------120 sec In asymmetric games, another sniper spawns in the Defenders base and the Power drain moves to the Defenders base as well. After several test games and multiple tweaks to spawns and weapons, the end result has been a great map in my opinion. I am in no way dissappointed in the map at all as I thought I would be. It really worked out and with that said I want to thank all the people who helped test. The 1 person who signed up in the testers guild thread and ACTUALLY showed up, Im APO, thanks dude. Adelyss, Vorpal Saint, Agamer, GD27 Bluedevil, Gunnergrunt, Shadow Viper, Phreakie, Shock, used man, Bloodfire, Xanon, Silence, Zonked, iTz theMetal and Sworn Shadow. You guys rock for helping me test, it was hard to get test games going. If there was anyone else I forgot, pm me and Ill put you in. Thats it, check it out. Comments and feed back are more than welcome. Dont forget to Rate, LOL. Download Sanction
Uh, there's no download link, that can be a problem. But this map is truly amazing I must say. I've always loved your work, and this is another fantastic addition to your priceless collection. Your way of using peices in new ways is awesome, and you've always suprised me with ways to angle blocks and peices to make it feel totally new. This looks incredible, looking forward to getting a good game on it soon. Edit: Links are up, one(top) works, but other(bottom) doesn't.
nice zombie i havent played on this yet but it looked like it would be fun considering the long line of sight directly through the middle of the map. i thought that was really cool. i dont like this as much as that map in mid-level sandbox but i like it. congrats on the baby.
Hmm...you just recommended this to me. I haven't done a Forge-thru yet, so I haven't seen much of it yet, but what I can tell from the pictures, it looks great. Nice job on the base design, and that center structure looks great. I'll go play a couple games, then get back with a more in-depth review.
Oh wow, where to start? This map has been in the progress off and on since Sandbox even came out. With the 1v1 tournament in the way you set this map down and took off on two other great maps. Most people would of just forgot about a map like this but no you came back to it and tweaked it and tweaked it from when I first saw it and turned it into a magnificent piece of art. No doubt this map feels like a zombie map, you have that certain look and style to your maps that anyone familiar with it could tell you map this great map. I never really got many tests on it but when I did the whole map was utilized like maps should be. Keep up the great work on pooping out those maps, it may be hard though with the new joy in your life
Very nice looking map. Lots of nice looking structures on the map. I really liked how you used those fins in the fourth pic. I think i can even see a feature for a map like this... Good job!
Im not sure about this one....seeing how awesome your maps in the past have been, with Aerialis and Wishbone, this one disappointed me a little. I was on the front page, saw that Zombievillain had posted a map, so I clicked it IMMEDIATELY, because your maps are so awesome, and then just died a little inside. I actually cant place my feelings, or even support them, but this map just doesn't seem to appeal to me. Knowing you, I know that your spawns work, and that your forging is phenomenal, but just i dont know about the map as a whole. Does anyone else have the same feeling. Also please dont flame, im just stating my opinion, which is that Zombievillains other maps seem so much better.
Nah, its cool. Your free to have your own opinion, and thanks for voicing it. Though I must ask you to play it. Have you done so? The thing with this map is that I did the layout when Sandbox came out, months ago. Then I stopped, started, stopped and started again. In the end I didnt want to change the layout so I kept it. While it isnt my best looking map with crazy aesthetics, that doesnt matter. Its not budget glitched so when it comes down to it, its gameplay over aesthetics. I assure you that the gameplay is great, it was tested many times and tweaked for the gameplay, so thats what really matters right. Thanks. Oh yeah,to PRS player, I was referring to Metalemur.
I did a flythrough on this when you sent me it and I was really impressed. I would really like to get a few games going on it. Invite me whenever you're running customs on it. BTW... the central structure looks amazing.
I got to play several games on this with you when you were testing it, so im going to be basing this off of that version of the map. Im not sure if any changes have been made. While I agree that this map lacks a certain visual flare that alot of your other more recent maps have had, I find that the gameplay holds up. I enjoyed slayer, but Capture the flag seems to be what the map was intentionally designed for. Multiflag was fun for me because I liked defending Blue base. The shotgun made it easy, yet still tinged with a sense of danger that Id die and they'd run off with my Flag. One flag however offered up the ability to come together as a team and shut the other team down if done correctly. I didnt get a chance to play the other gametypes, so I cant comment on those. Congrats on another well done map. Id like to see what you can do on the surface level.
Nice asym. I like the column wrap-around and the structure of blue base. I'll dl and test it later, after that I will get back to you with any problems I find with the map. 4/5
Impressive. You've pulled off another frighteningly good map. Haven't tested yet, which I'll do once I delete a few maps, but I can rate aesthetics: 5/5. Ramp up to the front enterence of the attackers base is epic. Period.
I just played a 2v2 Team BRs map on this, and here's my review. -Likes: •Great, simple base designs. •Nice overall layout. •Weapons played out nicely. -Dislikes: •Rockets were too hard to find. Other than that, a great map. Also, I know I missed sometings, I only played a 2v2 to 15.
Wow, well one thing's for sure. The geomerging rocks! Yeah, well done on the forging, man. There are some really nice aesthetic structures here, and the map is very clean overall. Nice work.
Cool, thanks. I forgot to mention that I added a rendered clip into the post for the people who had only seen the pics, they can now really see the entire map. Thanks again.
Now that I have played two games on it. I much more understand how this map is supposed to work. From just the pictures alone, I couldn't see how the map flows around the centerpiece, and was confused about the layout A LOT. After a game of slayer, I can understand your weapons but Ive always had something against the shotgun, even if it is necessary to the flow of the power weapons, I would much prefer a mauler or brute shot. The sniper works perfectly but I think that the rockets should be on a longer respawn. The game of One-Flag was perfect in my opinion, nothing to help you with that. Sorry for doubting you in the beginning. Oh and one last thing. If this earns you your Architect, I wont be surprised, you've earned it, and DESERVE it.
Actaually, I love the brute shot and wanted to incorperate it. The problem is that it helps break the map and I f used it, this thread would be spammed with posts saying,"I have nothing to do with my life, so I broke your map with the Brute shot". Too many people care about breakability. But thanks for the comments bro. Also, I doubt this gives me Architect. Its a good map but not my best, but thats cool cuz I have 2 maps in the works right now and 1 is for sure to be one of my best. Think Cyrus on a way larger scale.
Haven`t had a chance to look at this in game yet, but judging from pictures and what others have said, it looks great. I love the curved walkways with the stone platforms under them especially. Keep up the good work!
LOL, Thanks, its almost done. Just need weapons and spawns and such. Kinda tuff though cuz I just had a kid and all.