Ladies and Gentlemen, after three days of agonizing work and attention to detail, I give to you my premiere map on ForgeHub: Stepping stones. As far as I am aware, this map is the first of it's kind, since it is the first map to truly take advantage of the Avalanche Ice Cave's immense amount of space, combined with it's near perfect symmetry and the existence of fall damage as a factor. I'm hoping this will be the first of many such maps, as the ice cave now opens a huge range of options for forgers everywhere. But anyway, great expectations aside, it's time for the map, which can be found here: The Bases themselves are split into two halves. Spawn Zones, and Vestibules. The Spawn Zones are safe havens for teams to Spawn without getting camped, and the Vestibules provide an outer defensive line. The inside of the Spawn Zones. The Defending Vestibule. The Attacking Vestibule. Each of the Vestibules is separated from the center line of the map by a shield door, and open up onto their respective balconies. Outside the Defending Vestibule. Outside the Attacking Vestibule. The center line of the map features a small floating platform above the bulk of the map, overlooking the balconies outside the Vestibules. The Sniper Platform. The main portion of Stepping Stones. The map itself functions in all gametypes, both symmetrically, asymmetrically, and in neutral gametypes. For symmetrical gametypes, each base starts with a Spawn Zone and Vestibule, where as in asymmetrical, the attacking base has no Spawn Zone. It hasn't finished testing yet, but for the most part it looks to be a 2-8 Player map. Please feel free to suggest revisions, as I want this map to be the best it can possibly be, and being new to forging in general, I'm relatively inexperienced, and will need all the help I can get. Oh, and before I forget, I wanna give a shout-out to all the forgers that helped out on this map. Weapon spawns were edited and refined by Kaptan Kies, initial construction assistance by Johnny023, map theoretics and gameplay advice by Darthanis, and playtesting by Darth Sivick, Johnny023, Kaptan Kies and Wezzul.
The problem is that this map looks good but then again so do all the other maps made off and opne ledge in Avalanche. This may be better than the other ones it just doesn't seem to stand apart.
Can you recommend any changes for later, brute? If the map doesn't make the cut, I'll just start over. The more input I have, the better off the map will be for RC2.
Well, look around for something that few, or no one, has done and try working from there. Try using some interlocking because it always looks good. For example, you could take 3 boxes and interlock them all niceley together, add some stairs going up, some weapons and a wall around the outside and call it a decent map. Without interlocking it would be a joke. Ive actually never seen those 'container' double boxes interlocked before, so maybe you could be one of the first to do it on a new map.
There is actually a large number of interlocking objects on this map, I just didn't see the need to use it for everything, as some of the objects just didn't require it. If you want to see examples of this, check the lowest platform with the energy barrier floor and gravity lift, or the catwalk around the edge of the sniper platform, as both are interlocking objects.