Not bad, although the colours are a bit wierd and the main focal seems to blend in too much, try making it stand out more by using some blur/sharpening. I also think the part on the far left should be included in the border. Other than that, pretty goood
This looks sort of messy to me. Text is out of place, there's not really any flow, there're two boxes that seem to be there for no reason (on either side of the signature) and the border isn't even, nor does it encompass the whole signature.
I like it, it's different, although I'd suggest maybe putting a 1px border around the entire thing just to cap it off. Focal looks a bit white-washed, maybe fix that. Great effects though, and good scanlines. Lovin' that box CMask.
i like this sig. although something about the arm that she has behind her head looks out of place.. maybe cause its so bright.. maybe burn it up a bit.. i guess burn her hair too.. just anything thats going off to the back.. did you get the clipping mask idea from my "magic" sig? jw, i like that, it works good. one thing though is the sidebar clipping mask looks out of place.. maybe its the colours.. are your gradient maps over that part of the sig? once again, great job at blending the render with the c4d's and stuff
I have it on screen. I've seen the masks around alot, decided to go for it when my render was to large verticaly.