Just wondering. Does anyone here play TF2? I have the Orange Box, but never really played this game (got too caught up in Portal). Just thought I'd revisit it, maybe get some of the achievements... (yes, I'm 1/2 achievement *****. I get it from my father's side of the family).
I don't, but I would if I had a team that wanted to play with me. If you want to get a forgehub team playing, I'd be up for this, and you could make this thread the general discussion page for it. I'll check back every so often if you're up for this.
I have TF2 on the PC, but it's got a choppy framerate for me for some odd reason. I still enjoy playing as the Scout and Spy though. It's probably one of the most balanced games I've seen.
It spent 7 years in development. It ****ing better be balanced. But yeah, I have the game on Steam. Add me if you want to play: Bluejayfan94. My favourite classes are the Medic and Engineer.