I know you guys are really awesome, so pleeeaaassee vote for Northeast @ St. Petersburg High for the game of the week at this site: MyFoxPrep: Tampa Bay area high school sports coverage - from FOX 13 This really means alot to me; Northeast is our rivals and if we win our school gets a television report and whatnot. So I deplore you to vote for SPHS vs. NHS for game of the week, you are allowed to vote 10 times in a day. Love, Lone Deity
Voted. Good luck, hope you guys win. We had our sectional game broadcasted this friday on TV. We lost lol.
We has the same thing for our school, but since both the school we are playing and my school is private we didn't get as many votes as the public schools in the polls. I thought about using mooter (the program that Anonymous used to make moot Time magazine's most influential person of the year) but I decided against it. But sure I'll help you out.
If you win they broadcast the entire game live on FSN They did it for my highschool last year, twas boss.