Halo 3 ODST: Fail or Success? (in your opinion)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Blaze, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i have not really experienced any major lag in firefight.
    i love the game. yes its a bit small, but i love it. especially firefight.
  2. CriminaL

    CriminaL Ancient
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    Definately worth it, especially for my brother who didn't buy any map packs for H3.
  3. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I enjoyed ODST, didn't really mind the length. So many games have even less content than ODST but hide it by padding themselves with time sink mechanics that don't add anything to the game. That doesn't justify OSDT's cost but at least the game is honest about how little material it has to offer and didn't waste my time with a tacked on PRG element or a poorly implemented item hunt.

    Except it was weird how slow the exploration segments were with the rookie, I didn't really get that. Were they trying to pace out the action? If that's the case then I'd prefer it if they'd left it up to me to decide when I was sick of shooting at things, I can just turn it off when that happens.

    Also the Rookie's music made me want to play the old Resident Evils.
  4. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    I've never had any lag in firefight. I think the game was a success with being what bungie wanted it to be. Firefight is a blast and the campaign was solid enough. That said, I do think the price was too high. Not being able to matchmake and bumping up the price for a campaignless H3 disc were both bummers for me. A success overall I say.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Im not the only one! :D

    Im beginning to think that this game might have failed in the aspect of bridging the gap between H3 and Halo:Reach. Its only been a week or two and a good portion of my friends list is already returned to regular Halo 3.

    This makes me sad because I REALLY prefer the mechanics of this game over 3. I hope it isnt dead in a mere few weeks.
  6. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    After two days of playing ODST, it has already become a game that I will only play at LAN parties with friends... It gets really old really fast. Fail.
  7. Spawn of Saltine

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    Agreed, besides the lan party thing. I am tired of the game already, the vidmasters were too easy and I just didn't enjoy the game for the price I bought it at. The only way I was able to challenge myself on the achievements was to not use the INF. rockets for Deja Vu. My friends and i did the mission without em.
  8. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I'll always come and play with you, even if my xbox doesn't wish to stay...

    As for ODST, I enjoyed it for what it was. I actually thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, despite having my patience tested around every corner in Legendary (my first play through of the game), but it wasn't so frustrating that I wanted to stop like many game campaigns I play now. It was an enjoyable level of difficulty, something you could adapt to. In fact, the entire game was about adapting. The lonely missions of the night as The Rookie were slow, sure, but what it lacked in excitement it made up in atmosphere and mood. It contained some of the more enjoyable moments in the game actually.

    As a whole, I would say that I liked the campaign more than Halo 3's because there was more to it than just run and gun. Sure, Halo 3 had it's strategy, but not like this game. Every weapon was used, each had it's purpose, and I hardly ever entered two different fights with the same weapon set. The only weapon I can call useless was the spiker, but the rest I found myself wielding far more often than I would Halo 3. Also, I find myself delegating priorities. Shoot out the grunts, the jackals, and move my way up through the covenant hierarchy. I never felt the need to do such in Halo 3. However, poor friendly AI did rear it's ugly head, especially on the Coastal Highway level, and that did frustrate me.

    Going back to atmosphere, the art design/graphics, the largess of the city, the story/backstory, and most of all the music, all compounded into a brilliant little package. I savored my nights on the streets of New Mombasa, I didn't dread it. When a game can inspire you as it had, without the action, you know they didn't something right. Then again, I have a weak spot for the cinematic aspect of level design, and Mombasa surely had that. If all else, I'll be able to load up Mombasa streets for inspiration.

    Was it worth the $60? To many, no. To me? Ya, pretty much. I got my younger brothers their own xbox last year, so that they didn't have to use mine. Well, they didn't have many games, so they were always borrowing mine, and one of their favorites, of course, was Halo 3. However, I only cared about the multiplayer and forge, and them the campaign. So when I got ODST and the one aspect of Halo 3 I wanted to keep on a second disc, I gave my original copy to my brothers. So you could say that I made use of the extra $20 price tag after all.
    #48 X5, Oct 5, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2009
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    You have a serious anti-odst campaign going on it seems. For as much as you hate the game, I find it hilarious you spend so much time on complaining about it.
    #49 thesilencebroken, Oct 5, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2009
  10. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Silencem that second sentence made little sense...

    But i must say i agree with Shaddoblade as i have already lent the game to my friend as i have no more use for it.
  11. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I have three negative posts... Three. And one was deleted for no apparent reason, while Nemi's more spammy post remained. Nice moderating there... So that's 5 minutes of time spent complaining. But, then again, I guess you are used to counting **** like that as a "campaign", huh?
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    ...and your small but irritating complaints in the lolbox...

    Don't get so defensive.. People have their views, but it's best not to go telling people how great/terrible something is.. because people generally don't care... and honestly, if you hate it that much then just go play COD or something.
  13. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Oh... so the positive opinions are worth more than negative ones? News to me then...
  14. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    AKA, if you come to a fan-based board discussing ODST and all you got is negative **** to say, expect the fanboys to be all fed up with your ****.

    the end.
  15. Genghis the Great

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    it seems like an interesting game, makes you feel more like a normal soldier (though that fall from the pod in the 1st mission is a bit unrealistic) but the absence of the BR is a bit of a letdown. I'm also kinda sad that it was based off the halo 3 engine. a new engine would have been nice.

    for $60, MP would have been nice too, though having all the map packs is pretty damn good.

    Its ok, could have been way better definitely, and Firefight feels like a carbon copy of GoW 2's Horde mode.

    Honestly, I tihnk its a good cool game, but $60 is waaaay too much to pay for it. I would have pre-ordered it if it had been $30, hell I woulda paid $35 for it! But running on an extraordinarily similar engine to Halo 3 just doesn't seem worth $60.
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I didn't say that.
  17. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Personally, I liked ODST.

    Much like every other Halo game I've played, it has it's let-downs.
    But the pros were much more abundant than cons in all of them.

    But what little I don't like about ODST falls under: a terribly easy campaign (legendary), firefight just getting boring after about the 7th set, and the random introduction of the engineer in between two games (though they are cool).

    on the flip-side however, playing the 'Mythic Mode' on co-op creates some of the most immersing, strategic experiences I've ever felt playing Halo.
  18. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    Halo 3:ODST is fun but all you can do is firefight and campaign. Firefight can be fun with friends, same with campaign, but eventually can become very boring. I thought it would have much replay value but it can, oddly, just get boring...
  19. KsqueaK

    KsqueaK Ancient
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    what do you mean by mythic mode?

    and it was a good game but to me its like most games that come out, you have a great time playing it but after 1-2weeks it goes on your shelf to just collect dust. good game overall but not worth 60 dollars.

    the only thing i really use from it still is the halo 3 MP disk, but thats a given.
  20. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Firefight is laggy while matchmaking isn't, because it uses a different system. MM uses a distributed system which has a host that tells everyone where everything is. FF uses a synchronized system which has no host and ensures that all players remain perfectly in step with each other, and the game only advances as long as all players know what is happening and where everything is. If people's connection drop out it has to wait for the players to return, and people don't wait and quit while everything is frozen. In any case it takes far too long for it to fix itself anyway. On the other hand, MM forges on relentlessly, uncaring about individual players whose connections drop out.

    That's why Firefight is laggier than MM.

    Synchronization is also used by campaign.
    #60 noklu, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009

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