Ok well its here LightOut V2, this is alittle diffrent from V1 all new spawns, new weapons added,and UNDER THE MAP LEVEL!! my friend showed me how to add a level underneith the map so i did it and it turned out GREAT! theres afew weapons on the under level along with some grenades and a man cannon, and this took me along time but the map is 100% SPAWN KILL PROOF! no spawn killing will happen on this map!, only thing that i didnt get around to is edting objective games sorry, this is pretty much a FFA and Team Slayer map only, theres new scenery added and i tried to make it close to V1 but with better effects,and better features and that was one of the reasons for the under the map bonus level!, afew things are still the same such as the spartan laser is still hidden in the same spot but i made it alot more see-able cause NOBODY could find it from V1, the sniper rifle is now above the lift on a platform and only way to get it is to get a deployable grav lift, the halo2 suicide room is alittle more safe then usual but still prolly not the best spot to hide, halo2 green room is redone and is now the NEW suicide room, and theres more stuff on the map you will have to download to see ENJOY!! PS. 180 SECONDS INTO THE GAME YOU WILL FIND OUT WHY ITS CALLED LIGHTSOUT!!! CREDITS me (making the map) matt (helped me build the under map level) KHAOTICxSHOTTY (for messing up the map afew times and i had to redo it lol) Bungie (making halo3 lol) i couldent get the pics to show up on here i did what it told me to but it still didnt work but heres a direct link to a slideshow (ill be taking more pics tomorrow) PICS HERE download http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19795657
looks nice but mimicks some of my ideas from bottome feeder/// nvm my bad i only looked at one screen shot when iwrote that. lol but i am downloadin it and giving it 5 /5
i didnt copy any bodys idea if you look on the second page i think its on there i posted this earlier but got introuble cause it had no pics
umm actually u can look like 5 pages back and find my original. the top red room is an exactmimick of mine.
Funny. Because Lightsout is the name of an actual member here, lol. Get rid of all those caps and those asterisks from the title, and you need to embed pics. [noparse][/noparse] tags.
i tried that and it wouldent work i kept getting a "X" where the pics should of been i dont know what i did wrong and i fixed the title sorry bout that
thanks, why did you flame me on bungie.net in my thread? oh and props on bottomfeeders v2 its pretty cool
I am amazing LIGHTSOUT didnt notice this yet. Any please add pictures and embed them from imageshack. Have a great day.
yeai noticed theres a member named that yesterday thats weird lol, but anyways please keep the DL'd and rating comming thanks everyone
This is a pretty cool map. I'll have to download this and play it with my friends. I like the whole bottom floor bit. Looks fun.
it doesnt look like that at all, and i didnt even see that map until AFTER he said somthing so dont say i "stole" his idea, and if you look the bottoms are WAY diffrent from my map and bottomfeeder and i dont know if bottomfeeder is but my map is completly forged not just the bottom, the bottom is just a added bonus