Legendary DLC Till Dawn

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by G043R, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. G043R

    G043R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Till Dawn Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details

    I suggest 6-16 players, with the more the better. The Save One Bullet game type works wonderfully in this game type.

    This Ghost town map Force small pockets of Humanity to fight for a piece of the world against a horde of Zombies. The key of surviving this Red Dawn is to band with any one able to point a gun down a hallway to watch your back. I manage to leave a few tools for your use. As well Traffic Cones to warn you of danger. If you keep your eye out your sure to survive ... for a bit longer than the rest.​

    18 points
    -Forgers are the main priority of a forging site

    -forgers should be open in all threads about forge if not

    keep it to Pm's(no hubpub shenanigans)

    -map makers should not post maps in forge discussions

    (EXCURSIVE MAP PREVIEWS) they kill forge discussion as well


    -people should not hide forge tricks from the majority of

    the community epecially those of colored rank.
    They are expected to be loyal in helping the forum

    -Moderators should be resreved to infracting members and

    be better off with PM and suggesting better explaing

    policy of the site

    -A forging academy is no were as useful as compling 101

    threads for new forgers as well old to beable to compute

    and comunicate about forge.

    -Featured maps should be of new and exciting ideas of maps

    that will inspire the community. Those that are able to

    forge 6 maps and have 5 features are so good at forge they

    should be writing articles about it. Or maybe they

    shouldn't ahve been featured because the maps featureds

    were not actually so great.

    -TGIF is a wonderful idea but with out a loyal community

    still gauged with playing halo community and noth other

    games will drain the attention of certain game nights.

    -Halo 3 is about to transpire but that does not mean the

    halo community and be tossed aside becaus people are still

    infact foring

    -Moderators should not be hired cops of the site but

    people that know much about forge as well gauged to

    discuss about it, in so being up that if they see

    something they desire to comment on they should example to

    the community how to comment, NOT 5/5 neat map.

    -that conflicts with the idea that the Moderators are

    reserved and the community itself is left for its own

    survivial in forge, because in theory only Community maps

    makers should be if ever featured. I seen different in the

    fact we have more color members featued over Community.

    -Tester guild is underused because the forge community is

    not at all represented for members that become

    premium/loyal they can have private staff/hubpub test

    reviews. This would have benifited a subforum of Forge

    that is still in fact dieing. Also it would hav been nice

    to see a journelist assigned to just revieiwing community

    maps to see how peoples map compared to featured maps.

    -featured maps are the example of new and exciting ideas

    on forgehub. All to often have we seen repeating ideas

    featured on FH, Neverless wonder 2 maps Cyclopian and

    trokia are from the same exact design

    - Premiums should not have huppub access because they hold

    both no responsibility to the community as well no love to

    helping it. Why then should they be able to see thread

    that inspire to help the community? As well see this

    section for ever?

    -Community members should be reserved in giving map post

    reviews a character minimum would be nice so that If a map

    does not meet expectation a moderator would be the one to

    say it not the other way around. I love to see the

    community teach people how to post correctly but many

    members Post it 3 times in the first page of a map. This

    is both off topic of this map as well going to ruin his

    chance of getting attention to his map. THis is his one

    chance to do so.

    -Forge discussion is buried under MAP previews and is not actually happening.
    -Testing section should be for all maps about to come out

    as well for anything new and exciting the premiums will

    come out with.

    -Why should it take 2 featured maps to become premium? IT

    IS so difficult to be featured once that the rule seems to

    make it that much more impossible.

    -I love forge will you let me have my discussion?
    "no we do not want your ideas"

    Than I am going to leave ... I sadly am only here for

    forge. Bye this is my last moment.... SO long ...had a

    nice time while I was here till the end but I must be

    #1 G043R, Oct 24, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ahh ghost town i can tell. but you might want to add more pictures, 1 doesn't really turn people onto a map. So not to be a douche but im not gona dl till you put up some other pics. Preferably without the fx's on.

    Actually i retract that since in a ghost town lover, i will dl but still ought to add some more pics my friend.
  3. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow put more than 1 pic up, no ones gonna dl until they get pics of the map
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Just because you're entering it to the contest doesn't mean you have to only have one picture here, that's only for the submission post.

    Just ignore this if its not for the contest (you never really said), although more pictures would be very nice.
  5. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah more pictures would be nice. It sounds great with the tools you are talking about but I cant think how the cones could help without pictures. ?/10. When you edit your post I will update my post.
  6. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Don't worry bout this guy, he's just a picture *****. What's your problem, it's not like he can't see the whole picture! It's right there!

    You really do need more pictures, though.
  7. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't know why, but I am going to download, do a quick forge through and give a review. Not because of your stunning pictures.

    Edit: After seeing the map, it looks like one of those maps on that weekend infection playlists Bungie puts on from time to time except better. One thing that is really unique about the map is that it actually goes from night time to daytime instead of vice-versa. The only thing I don't like about the map is the fx effects. I swear after the forge through I got a headache. Bright brights, dark darks, too much for me. Camping is not a major issue on this map which is great. It's worth the download, but seriously, nobody except me is going to download it if you don't have pics. You're a loyal, you should know that by now. Did you use some Jedi mind trick on me? Well next time add pics, maybe a rendered video and use the Jedi mind trick on Sarge. That'll get people to DL, just seeing him in the thread...
    #7 Ac3Snip3r, Oct 24, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Wow, people are really nothing about your on pic, you may want to fix it. I myself find one pic more compelling to download because of the intrigue, if there are pics of every square inch, you can usually tell where players will gravatate and die.
    I give you luck with the competition, as I too have entered, may the best SoB map win.
  9. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've downloaded it with only one picture. Might want to re-evaluate that 'fact' :)

    I'll get back to you with a more detailed review once I've had some games on it.
  10. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well like i said when i edited mine, i did dl, and did a forge through. It seems really fun and like said above me i like the night to day not day to night effects. But the wood is like uber hurt your head bright. Camping isn't an issue at all its more of an keep moving or die type deal. Which i love thats how i set up my infection maps. Idk if its for the contest but i like it. Kinda simplistic but nice. So my final evaluation is a 7.5/10
  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I fully agree with the fact that maps sound use as many pictures as needed. I feel that this map is an odd ball to the usual idea. Not because I want to trick anyone but that I lightly forged the map. If you know default ghost town you know my map. All i did to modify was as I stated above make the center of the map zombie spawn and various defend able points on the map. I did not want to go around the map of saying certain spots where set camping spots. I leave that to you the gamers to find and create. I give the items in many permitting ways to be moved and adjusted to block door ways.

    As for the map's Filter effect, I felt it was an added effect for the living to gain an upper hand later in the game. Once you have the population of the living narrowed down to just 4 players it would be in better terms to give them more of a line of sight across the map as well bring out all the "Juicy details as well my "Hints" that I have yet to see in this thread. It is interesting to see what people have come up with as hiding/ camping spots on this map, and in doing brings back much more of a feeling of Halo 2 Infection. That is what I inspired to do for the hub of the dead contest. Try the map with a good party and you should see this. Send me a game invite I'll play a game on your map as well. You should see how it plays.

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