BE SURE TO RATE AND GIVE FEEDBACK! The Mines Created by bobroxs A collapsed mine shaft is overrun with infected entities. Map Used: Sandbox-Crypt Supported Gametypes: Infection Story: After a terrible accident, trapped workers grew sick. The virus mutated and effected the brains of the stranded workers. The few remaining must fight to survive while trapped in an in-escapeable tomb. Description: {EDIT} Half Sheilds! I figured why waste a spot for S.O.B. just with half sheilds. Player:5-10 Game type: Save One Bullet Zombies are forced to drop in from the ceiling as the virus has spread to the reast of the world. They have bore tunnels through the roof so that they may feed on the brains of the living. Don't camp at start or you will die via kill ball. NOTE: There is no merging in this map. It is meant to be messy like an actual collapsed shaft. Overview: Last Man Standing: Stick Together: Download The Mines
I guess it looks okay. I dont really know what the gameplay is like but I dont really know about this map. I like the story but in the game when you take away the shields wouldnt it be really hard to kill the humans if they can kill you in one shot? 6.75/10
is this what you wanted me to help test? if so, sorry bout that. i wish i coulda been there, it looks like it woulda been a blast. anyway, because my live was gay, i made myself a new sig VyayV.not sure why you took the shields down to half, unless it was imposible. oh and my live still signs me out every 10 min. its really gay, so i cant play later either
if it would be too much touble you think you can download and et me kow hwat you think after playing?