Sandbox Deadbolt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by iTs_NeXn, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Deadbolt - Atlas
    Deadbolt - MLG

    Wizard / Warlock Remake

    Created By:

    Recommended Gametypes:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] +King
    (TaK, I need the little gametype icon haha)

    Weapon List:

    Atlas Version:
    1x Active Camo - 90 - Top Mid
    1x Regenerator - 60 - Bottom Gold
    1x Shotgun - 90 - Bottom Green
    1x Plasma Rifle - 90 - Bottom Gold
    2x Needler - 60 - Bottom Red, Bottom Blue
    2x Carbine - 30 - Top Red, Top Blue
    2x Battle RIfle - 10 - Top Gold, Top Green
    8x Plasma Grenades - 30 - Each Bases Alley

    MLG Version:
    1x Active Camo - 90 - Top Mid
    1x Mauler - 90 - Green Platform
    1x Plasma Rifle - 90 - Gold Platform
    4x Carbine - 30 - Top Red, Top Blue, Bottom Gold, Bottom Green
    4x Battle RIfle - 10 - Each Bases Health Pack
    8x Plasma Grenades - 30 - Each Bases Alley

    Well, after being planned to be released with the Map Pack, here's Deadbolt. As you know, this is a Wizard / Warlock remake. I've made some changes to the design to better suit Halo 3's gameplay mechanics. Some of the changes are, extended health packs, this was done so the lift area is larger and the line of sight from alley to alley isn't just a straight away like before. I think this greatly improves gameplay. I also opened up the tele cubbies more, to prevent camping the teleporters in CTF and Ball, as this was a big aspect I didn't like in Warlock. Also, you will probably notice the height changes how everything get's taller from base to plat to top mid, I did this to increase the vertical aspect of the map. In Warlock, everything was really small compared to Wizard, which I didn't like, so I tried to translate the larger structures from Wizard into Deadbolt. This map has come a long way since I first started it during the Map Pack and I'm very proud of it. I hope you enjoy it.


    Click Here To Download

    Download and leave feedback / problems here, or PM me.
    Updates will be listed in the post below.
    #1 iTs_NeXn, Oct 16, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  2. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    looks very nice. The pictures kinda bother me though, they look nice and all, but It kinda gives the map a better feel than it actually has. I know when I start up this map it'll just be bland Sandbox colors.

    Anyway, can you escape / get on the outer wall?
    And would it have been possible to make the center tower thing tall? Or was it not tall in Halo CE?

    [never played MP in CE...]
  3. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I understand you made changes to outfit Halo 3's gameplay mechanics as you stated, and there are some nice little touch ups I can see but...I mean. Was this really necessary? I can't honestly see myself downloading this to be honest, it's really just, one more Hang 'em High remake, or one more stereotypical infection map, or one more racetrack.
  4. TpYourHouse

    TpYourHouse Ancient
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    Good job on the map. =D In the screen shots the map looks pretty dark, I hope it actually looks like that.
  5. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    This is what we call photoshop my good friend, don't believe everything you see.
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I like the forgeing and this is one of the better hang em high remakes, but there are so many remakes out there, your time would be better spent focusing on something original. These remakes are really overdone.
  7. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    Wow, I'm really Impressed. The atmosphere you crafted here is amazing. After a forgethrough, I was so happy not to see the bland hues of grey that normally are associated with sandbox. The pictures don't totaly overexagerate the feel of the map. The lighting and forging are phenomenal, eventhough areas like the red/blue tele are a little dark. As far as I know, this is the best Wizard / Warlock remake I've ever seen. I am glad I dled it.

    EDIT: I'm also a little confused, I'm 90% sure this is a wizard / warlock remake but 2 people above me called it hang em high...
    #7 A Fluffy Pillow, Oct 17, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2009
  8. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I think he was comparing remakes or something.

    Nexn, I'm really impressed by you once again. I saw this on MLGPro yesterday. I like how you didn't just make "another remake", but instead you changed it up and made new additions to Warlock. I'll be sure to give you some feedback once I get a game on it. I really happy you adjusted the teleporters to make them non-campable as well.

  9. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I've just downloaded and had a quick walkabout and game. The map is exquisite in detail, aesthetics and clean forging, absolutely top notch. As someone that still loves CE and still yearns for the classic maps of the olden' days, this can't get any better.

    Of course its not perfect, there are little bumps and some places are a little too dark for me (even on higher brightness) but for feel, flow, visuals and just an all round immense map you can't really get any better.

    I don't care if there are other remakes out there, this is still a spectacular map which should be staying on my HD for many nights to come. Great job neXn!
  10. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I played KOTH on this with a 4v4 party last night and it was hell-a-fun. I really like how the hills are all on higher ground and susceptible to heavy fire. And having to jump for the middle hill made for some really intense battles for the middle hills.

    My only complaint is that is was very dark. Could you possibly move the lights a little closer to the playing area? That would probably take away from the feel of the map and how accurate of a remake it would be... but I think it would help gameplay a lot.
  11. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow you did a really good remake of warlock !

    The teleport are very cool for them colome on each side of him !

    The midle look very aeshwestic and the name are very original !

    Good map and i give you a download ! 5/5 .
  12. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Thanks guys.

    This isn't a Warlock remake. More of Halo 3's version of Wizard and Warlock. The effects will most likely stay. I have no problems what so ever with the darkness. You either have a very dark TV or you just haven't gotten used to it.

    Keep in mind that if you're beating somebody they sometimes have to find something about the map to complain over.
    #12 iTs_NeXn, Oct 24, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Ive played a couple games on this now, and while incredibly well-built, both games were littered with players complaining about how dark it is. The colorblind/juicy combo works much better in the skybox than it does the crypt (which is naturally darker). I can delete the fx easy enough on the copy I have, but I thought you might want to consider ditching them altogether.
  14. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    I edited my above post.
    You most likely just need to get used to it.

    It will be looked into further around the time of MLG v8 testing.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    My TV isnt close to dark, in fact, its much brighter than how default Halo displays. It may not be too dark for you, but its clearly too dark for many others. The fx just aren't working here. period.

    Its ok, Ill just delete them on the copy I have.
  16. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    guys, play the map before commenting. the pics aren't photoshopped, he used fx orbs.

    while you may see it as a reimagining into halo 3, that's just another way of saying remake. the map is very well forged, that makes it my favorite wizard remake or "reimagining" or whatever. the forging is the only thing that really sets this map apart though. wizard is by far the easiest map to remake. try something more challenging, then you'll really have my attension.

    as for the darkness, i don't mind so much that you have to get used to it to be able to see well. i just dont like the way it makes the map feel.
  17. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    I'm looking into the lighting more to see what I can do.
    I've played a few games where people did t like the darkness. But after a few play thoughs nobody complained about them and they actually liked them once they go used to them. I'll see what I can do though. I'm also looking at adding to the weapon set for the atlas version, suggestions?

    If anybody has any reviews on the map that'd be great, as I love long thought out reviews.
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I dig the atmosphere of the map with the fx, thats for sure. I just feel the tradeoff isn't quite worth it. While the middle of the map isn't too dark, the edges definitely are, IMO.

    As for an ATLAS weapon set, Id like to see a Needler or 2, perhaps on the stone/gold plats, or underneath them.

    I also saw someone mention either here or in the MLG forums (i get mixed up sometimes) that they'd like to see the plasma rifle/mauler moved underneath the platforms to the ground, so that you had to break top control to scoop them up. I really like the idea of that, and Id like to see how it plays. If I have customs going soon, I may hop over to forge and make the switch to see how it fares. In theory, it makes sense, but we'll see.
  19. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Those were my ideas too. I was thinking of moving the power weapons to bottom plats then put a needler under the other 2. Tell me what works best from your games bro.

    Updated the original post with the Atlas version of Deadbolt. Most notable change is the weapon pallette, which now includes needlers, a shotgun and a regen, plus more. Download link in OP. Leave feedback in the Atlas thread if possible. Thanks.
    #19 iTs_NeXn, Oct 26, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009
  20. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
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    I really like the atmosphere that the filters provide. You do get used to it after a while.

    Also, you should switch the PR for a needler in the ATLAS version, and don't forget to add AR ammo.

    Great map.

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