I haven't gotten the update yet, but the Connect page is displaying all the info so I should be getting it on one of the next waves.
I just go the update about a half-hour ago. I looked through Facebook and the only problem I saw off the bat was that you can't post on ppls walls. but it still looks pretty cool.
Zune is just an augment to normal marketplace it seems, only it streams as well so you dont have to wait so long.. the selection it pretty damn limited right now. FBook is alright.. no wall posting or event viewing, which is half of facebook.. but its still kinda cool LFM is well...LFM. Its cool, but I was hoping I would be able to play it while actually gaming, but you definitely can't. Update is cool, but not SUUUPER cool.
To all: DON'T put your updated hard drive in another xbox. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/general-chat/90064-****ing-facepalm.html
I can't get the preview to work, I got the email, I downloaded the update. When I go to the update tab and click features. I can scroll through the options for facebook twitter last.fm and such, but when I click them it doesn't do anything. Help? I would think that I have to create accounts for these various services, but how do I link them? Am I doing it wrong?
thats just a list of what's offered. look around the dashboard/marketplace.. under music, community, etc.
Them my update is messed up because I can't find them for my life and I've looked around for over 20 min. Ass. Anybody helpful mind replying?
There were generic XBox updates that happened to everyone about a day ago. That was NOT the new dashboard preview. If you got the preview, youd know it because you received an e-mail about it. Ass. Try being competent instead of bickering for "helpful" people. This **** is not rocket science.
I received both emails regarding my invitation to the XBL Preview Program, however, I may not be able to get on my XBox for quite some time. Kind of disappointed in Microsoft's decision in not allowing you to post on peoples walls in their Facebook application though.
Whoa, whoa... Settle down now, I know what your problem is, Xylom. You must have a 'Child Account' set up, even though yes, you signed up for the program when you got the update it knows you must be on a 'Child Account' and 'turned off'/blocked Twitter, Facebook, and LastFM. Even though you might have all the games and things unblocked for you to see the update wasn't/isn't available to people running 'Child Accounts'. How I know this?... Because I read the FaQ on the new Dashboard update. And... For some reason I also have a Child Account and so I can't use all the features. Fail on my part...
When I registered with my gamertag I was and am under 18 I don't remember so I assume it just assigned me a child account. I'm looking into getting it lifted though because it just seems to be a burden.