Okay, so I'm in a game of MLG with a buddy of mine. MLG Ball of Ldown. I get MVP and go +9 with my ToD as Oddball. My buddy goes +2, ToD is BR. Keep in mind this is one of my Buddy's double accounts. He has a couple of MLG 50's. I'm one of the few legit players left in MLG, although noone believes this is my real account as I "play way to good to be anything less than a 45" according to most people I kill. ANYWAY; I see my friend go from a 10 to a 15 and I'm thinking "Sweet, I'm finally going twenties!" My skill goes from a 12 to a 13... WTH?
Bungie.net : Halo 3 Forum : In depth explanation of the Halo 3 skill ranking system. Bungie skill ranking system explained.
Exactly, it's much more complicated than just how well you do in a given game, the largest drag factor in levelling up is often your account. The bits the apply the you the most are the a couple of sections, the first of which is called "Why don't I level up after winning X games in a row? / Why does my friend go up three levels a game and I don't?". Read that and the 3 sections after it and it should make much more sense. But basically: your friend is on a second account as you say, the main advantage of newer accounts being that they level up much faster when doing well, this is basically why people start them to try and get 50s, it's a lot easier than levelling an old, weighted down account up to 50. If you start another account then you'll be levelling up as fast as him if you play together, even a little fast whilst you catch up with him. But since you don't seem too keen on a 2nd account, idk what to suggest. Btw, there are plenty of legit players left in MLG, you're not one of the few, though I'll agree that boosters and 2nd accounts guys are all over the place. I'm a legit colonel grade 3, I sit around the 30's in MLG cause I go in on my own, though I'm not gonna claim I'm 50 material in the playlist by any means. Still, we're about.
i think if you play with some1 whose a lower skill rank than you they exp gain gets a boost. that might explain why your friend went up so much