This map supports ts, flag and koth. It is inspired by the inside of rats rest. It plays great for all playlists. Not that much Los, which is good, and has good weapon placement. I will post this for forgehub after another update. Here's some screenshots: Tell me what you think..
I don't really know what to say about it. I can't really talk about gameplay because I can barely see the map. However, the aesthetics are okay. Nothing original, but very clean.
^Agreed.^ First pic - Place the BR in a different place. From my experience, it is better to put weapons like those in a way such as the Carbine's location. Second pic - Perhaps add an Active Camo under the ramp?
I once tried a map like this in the crypt, but it just didn't work game-play wise. Good luck to you though!
That ramp in the first pic reminds me a lot of a ramp like that in one of my new projects. Though these 2 maps are not the same. Your map has a heavy influence from rats nest, I can see. Both pics remind me of it, and if you were going for that, good job. But I'd like to see the rest of the map, because I think you should renovate rats nest, not copy it. From what I see you are doing that, but I want somehting new. Looks clean, and like RabbiiTTT said add camo or any other thing of importance down under the ramp so that people actually go under in that area. Other than that, can't wait to see this done. Nice job.
i can't really tell but it looks like a square room is that it.... its nice and all but a little small if that's it well i look at it again and it could be a rectangle lol but it is hard to tell good job with the tall walls though.....
no its not just one room, theres two rooms (bases) then the rest of the map that connects each of them.. Its a medium sized map.