As some of you might already know, I have been contacting Microsoft lately through Emails. After about ten useless email messages back and forth, I was finally told that I had to call them if it had to do with my account, which it did. So just about an hour ago I called, and was instantly set up with somebody that spoke very quietly. He told me to tell him all my Phone number, Email, last four digits to my Credit Card. So I did all that junk, and he tells me I owe $4. So I say that I want a Month-To-Month plan, and that the $4 can be payed off with the same Credit Card. He told me to wait a couple minutes, so I waited like half an hour, and he came back. I was so happy, because he had made things sound so easy... Up until the point when he said they had deleted my account. Microsoft is messed up, and I've known that from the start, I just wouldn't admit it. They said they contacted me about me owing money on my account, which is true. In fact, about a month ago my Dad had cancelled his Credit Card, so I had to go out and get the Card I've got now. It's got $40 on it, so we just replaced the Billing Information with what I've got now, and that was that. We were happy, and so was the man on the phone. But apparently Microsoft couldn't get it through their thick skulls that we had wanted to pay the $4 with that Billing Information. EVEN THOUGH WE TOLD THEM!!! So back to the present. Remember the part where I said they deleted my account? Well those are the exact words the guy on the phone used. When you hear the words "Your", "Account", and "Deleted" used in the same sentence, ussualy it doesn't settle well. I asked the man why it was deleted, and he said it was because Microsoft warned us that if we didn't pay the $4, they would delete my account. Now that just isn't true, now is it? Most Recent Email From Microsoft Notice this was sent to me just three days ago. And although it does say my Membership has been cancelled. Notice what the entire third paragraph says. Now what the **** does this mean? It means I have the ability to reactivate my Gold subscription, and at the same time, I don't. Because Microsoft is messed up. When Microsoft says you can reactivate your Gold subscription, it really means that you can click "Confirm Purchase" over and over again without anything coming up besides "This action cannot be performed at this time. Please try again later. For more information, go to" Now I understand that most of you will not finish reading this unless you really care about me and my feelings. But what Microsoft has done to me today is they've stolen two years of my life... over 10,000 Halo 3 matches... over 10,000 Gamerpoints... tons of DLC... and they just threw it all away. I'll try my best to get my "Deleted Account" to Gold Membership again... But I don't know if Prepaid cards will work, or if they'll just be a waste of my money. This is just a complaint thread... I got pissed off, so I started a thread. I'm not sure what you guys can possibly post that will cheer me up, but whatever... Maybe you guys know a way around this. Who knows? Now let me just clear up this so called "Deleted" term this man on the phone used. "Deleted" - A term used by Microsoft that in truth means that your account cannot possibly be upgraded to Gold Membership despite the fact that Microsoft most recently informed you that you could.
Orange you should be in a comedy show and play a character like Manuel in Faulty Towers, you're perfect for that role! Conker, really sorry to hear about this complete farce but I'm sorry to say theres not much you can do. Big companies such as microsoft always have these intricate policies which don't seem to help anyone out, you're going to have to get used to it I'm afraid.
"Deleted" - A term used by Microsoft that in truth means that your account cannot possibly be upgraded to Gold Membership despite the fact that Microsoft most recently informed you that you could. That definition can now be found at the end of the original post. What I mean by this whole thing is that my problem prior to this phone call was that I couldn't purchase Gold Membership, because Microsoft had blocked my account from making any purchases. Compared to my problem now, which is that Microsoft will not allow me to upgrade my account to Gold, because I didn't pay them the $4 that I told them to charge to my Debit Card, on the phone. In their eyes, my account is "Deleted", and there is no way for them to "Un-Delete" it. I understand you all care, and that's wonderful. But I don't need another account, I need this account. I already have Conkerguy11, because Conkerkid11's had this problem before, except he wasn't "Deleted" then. Conkerkid11 had over 10,000 games played on Halo 3, and every single achievement. I want my two years of progress back... I don't think it's legal whatsoever for a company, even as large as Microsoft, to steal two years of your life over a mistake they made.
tl; dnr. But it sounds like it sucks! Thats a bust man, atleast you have an xbox! Keep us informed man! Sorry to hear that again!
Wow, that's so retarted. So, they deleted your account permanently, no way to get it back, at all? And they're seriously doing it over 4 ****ing dollars... Damn, conkerkid, Microsoft is pretty ****ed up. Good luck, tell me if you need any help or something, I'll try and help you get something going.
Simple, threaten them with legal action Trust me microsoft are idiots. My friend modded his gamerscore, rang them wanted it reset because he realised it was stupid and unfair, they said they did not have the power to do it and not to do it again, He asked why and they hung up. He rang again and tried again, yet again the same reply, they did not have the power and the only way to get it reset is to have the automated system catch you. So he modded his gamerscore from 40,000 to 75,000 and rang up again and said will you reset my gamerscore now and they said, yet again, no we do not have the power to do that. So he just got a new account. BTW, if your going to make a new account and want all your DLC's back just do a license transfer. Google it
"microsoft are doochbags" somthing like this is the reason i dont use credit cards on my account for membership (i do but for MSP) just keep on there asses and see if theres any legal actions you can take
Im in a bad situation like u are man.My account is suspended becuase back in 2007 me and my dad had put a cc on there becuase i had to get a 3 month now we thought it would only be one charge so the card was turned off becuase it was old and we didnt need it anymore.But then they had that auto renewal thing on and we didnt know auto renewal even existed, so now I have to put another credit card on there well im gonna see if a debit card will work but im gonna call support and tell them to turn that auto renewal crap off some of microsofts actions are just disgusting and im really pissed at them.
That suck man because I would be pissed but Microsoft has the right. There is no legal action you can take (which sucks ) Because by law Microsoft owns that account and they can delete if they feel like it. You are not buying the account you are basically renting it. And are expected to not owe money on it and Do illegal things. You could try legal action but most likely it will be dismissed as a right. I beleive in the terms of service (You know that thing people dont read) It states that you do not own the account at any time. ( Like in world of warcraft you are just renting the account and they have the right to do what ever they want with it. BUt back on topic unless they can un delete it. There is no real hope. Microsoft could careless about 1 person. They are still makeing millions with out you. I am not trying to be mean or anything. I am just telling that microsoft has the right. But I do feel bad this happened to me on my second account I owed $10. I had a credit card on their but they never charged it. Then I called and they said it was deleted like yours. I played on that for 1 1/2 year and they deleted it. That was where my 45's where. Now I hate matchmaking. Goodluck. I hope you think of something I forgot to do.
I didnt choose auto renewal on purpose you fool the dont make it quite clear at all as I said above I didnt even know they had auto renewal and I didnt want it. Anyway I called support and I resolved it now the credit card is removed from the account and im unsespended and I used a prepaid card to renew my membership.
When you sign up for live it gives you a friggin option lol. Enter credit card number for month xbox live (auto renew) Enter credit card number for month xbox live There the two options, its not exactly hard too see.
This actually just happened to me. I called customer support and they took off the suspension temporarily so I could redeem the 12 month I had. I suggest you do the same if you wish to get live back.
you could sue, aktho that would make you look like a loser in anyy country that has tv's or internet. or, you could just say **** all, bum money off the street, make a new account and rebuy all the dlc with the bummed money. or a third option, you could poop in a bag, light it on fire, and put it on their doorstep, then ring the doorbell and hide in a bush, record it, post it and the world will think they're a bunch of idiots and they will loss a lot of money and you could be like lololololololololololol microsoft are n00bz roflmao
Cool rant, bro. Conker, the only thing you can do now is sue. Buy a cup of Microsoft coffee, and spill it on yourself, and demand your account back.
Haha, buy a ps3, and take out four computers. Because apparently a PS3 uses that much electricity. Save the hassle on buying four computers, and get a PS3! Where it can drain your power for about six-hundred dollars less!
Oh yeah? Well I called Customer Support, and they took off the suspension so I could pay for the $4 fee, and another Month-To-Month payment plan. They left me hanging on the phone for about ten minutes, and came back to tell me my account was "Deleted." I understand you think you get what happened to my account, but you don't get it. My account is at a status that is beyond suspension. The man on the phone told me that my account had previously been suspended, and they waited for a couple months for us to pay the charge, but they were idiots, because they could have charged my account for $4 anytime they wanted to. So they assumed the account wasn't being used, even though we had called them a month ago to pay the charge, and they "Deleted" my account. By the way, my internet went down a day after this event. It's because of an unpaid bill on my Dad's part, so none of you can help out, sorry. I'm using my Grandparents computer, because we come here every Sunday. Whenever I get my internet back, maybe in a month or two, I'll try and sort this **** out. But most likely, I'll have to start over again.
Change the info on your tag. Change your Windows live ID and call Microsoft to detach your debt card because its the debt card that is not letting add time.