Purgatory Created by: Sir Toppum Hat1 and Game Tycoon Game Type: Heaven or Hell Do not use other **** Zombie game types Map plays the best with 12 to 16 people Map Description Purgatory is based around Call of Duty World at War’s **** Zombies. However, the map is not from Call of Duty. We designed and created a whole new map were humans spawn in a mansion, and the Zombies spawn out side of it. Humans then have to stick together and defend the house from the zombies coming through the widows, walls, and doors. Throughout the time the humans are in the house multiple timed events take place. First, humans spawn in the foyer. There they have to fight for their lives for one minute. Then one door opens. That door leads them into the Ball Room. From the Ball Room the humans have access to a shotgun, SMG, magic box, and Study Room. After another minute passes they can then go up stairs to the Upper Ball Room. There they will find a Brute Shot and BR. Once again, after another minute passes two stairs and a door open. One stair (in the Study Room) and door (in Upper Foyer) lead into the Spiral Stairs Room, and another stair (in Upper Ball Room) leads them to the Top Room. Zombies For zombies to enter the house you must first go up to a door or window. Once there get on the mongoose or ghost and then get off. Also there is the cave that opens after one minute. The windows are only accessible after the room is open. To make movement around the outside of the mansion easier there are teleporters that take to you each side of the house. Lastly custom powerups spawn to increase the strength and damage of zombies after 30 and 45 secs. Magic Box To use the Magic Box first walk up to it. Once there you should see a fusion coil. To activate the Magic Box shot the fusion coil. At the same time you shoot the fusion coil hold the button that picks up weapons. After all of this you will have a random weapon. The Magic Box resets after 30 sec. WATCH YOUR BACK WHEN USING Lay Out Lower Floors Upper Floors Map Front of mansion Back of mansion Over View Pictures in order by timed events First Humans Spawn in the Foyer...Weapons: 2 carbines, 1 BR After 60 sec the Ball Room is opened...Weapons: 1 shotgun Also the Study Room is opened...Weapons: 1 SMG Cave opens the same time the Ball Room opens The the Upper Ball Room is opened after 60 sec and then the stairs to the Top Room is opened after another 60 sec... Weapons: 1 BR, 1 Brute Shot When 3 minutes have pased the Spiral Stair Room is opened...Weapons: 1 power drain And Finally you can get to the Top Room...Weapons: 1 BR, 1 trip mine Action Pictures Download
Congratualations. Thats why you were in theatre before you played dinghys on longshore with me. I love the looks, and the Mansion is beautiful! I like the curved staricase and roof arches especially!
Wow, this is by far the best **** zombies-eske game I've seen ever... The using mongooses and ghosts to climb through the windows is amazing and gives it a feeling that much closer to the real thing, if this was for save one bullet this would almost be guaranteed to win.
Great map is great. I've had the pleasure of helping test/looking at the map a few times and it looks and plays practically perfectly. One thing I feel should be made clear, though...you'll need people who can work together for this to work for it's highest potential. Without teams working together against each other, it turns into too many random rushes or fighting for kills. But that's nothing you can do, this is about the map itself. I really like the feel you've given the players for the map. You really feel like you're in the area you want people to, and give different environments to the various rooms fairly well. My favorite is the magic box area, it feels scary and small in a way, even though it's really not THAT small, and you want to get out of it as soon as possible. That's just one example of why I really like this map, and why I think you (YES, YOOOOU) should download it and check out all it has to offer. 2/5 needz maor intearl0ckz kthxbai
The map still works for Judgment dude, it's just you had to use ramps instead of blocks so the zombies could use the windows on the high stories. :/ Great map though dude, I like the new name a little better than the other name from when I was shown the map. I took apart the map in forge, to see how the rooms were connected, and I now understand how you managed to get a **** Zombies map to be so big. You place your objects VERY wisely, and most things were very close together. This is one of those infection map that easily deserves a 5/5, I would say.
Woah dood!!!- this map looks almost of the architecture of Marcus Fenix's house in GOW. The arches flow and the battlements ring with win. Lol- I though I was the only person in Halo that made pro-mansions- I guess that I was wrong ^^. The map not only is a beautiful mansion, it is also functional- that is a rarity =] Ill give er a test out- shes worth that.
omg you are teh noob lololoololololololooloplololololololl seriosly though, yet another great **** zombies map? i think the experiance was made for and only for cod waw. thats my opinion. i also think that that last sentence is a lie and that i may be grounded because i have to go to school like 5 min ago and my mom is super duper evil like that. cya guiz. also insane, can you cleary not see that this map deserves a Spoiler .5/5 lol jk, keep em comin.
I'm not one for Infection maps (Competitive and MLG is more me) and I was reluctant to give this a DL. I didn't really read over the thread properly and I only DL'd because of the good comments. Wow. I can't believe I almost didn't download it. It ingeniously solves the common problem that Infection maps have - very few entrance routes - while keeping the humans in a limited space. It's almost unbelievable that the Zombies can have so many points of entry while the humans can't do a thing. The forging is excellent and aesthetics amazing - crucial to a Zombie map. Since your sitting around a lot, it's probably good to have something pretty to look at . In seriousness though, the way the aesthetics contribute to the atmosphere of the map is very well done. A few problems: 1. Budget glitched - I understand it might have had been done in order to pull it off, but it is a little dissapointing that it had to resort to Budget glitch (MLG background probably makes me a little bias here). The fact that I am probably going to play it most with friends on split screen rather than over XBL is a little disappointing for me, but I hope that it doesn't affect gameplay too much so I can live with it. 2. Getting to places earlier than you are meant to. I'm referring to humans - an easy double jump or Brute Shot jump (there is a Brute Shot right next to one of these spots) will give a lucky human a 60 second advantage. The humans could probably get at least half, if not close to their entire team up to the Top Room. I don't know if this is intentional, but you could fix it by placing more items on the same 180 sec NO timers so it would be impossible to get up there until it is time. Very well done, this might revolutionise Zombie maps as we know it. I would expect to see a lot more maps use this concept from now on (especially if it gets Featured - which it should). I look forward to playing on it and hopefully it will live up to expectations, and I'm curious to see how the gametype settings fit in. Great job, you deserve the praise.
Ok this map is amazing! but its for zombies right? so cant the humans just leave the mansion go up the hill and be untouchable? how do you prevent this?
I assume that, like all other **** Zombies maps, Purgatory is an enclosed map for humans, but not for the zombies. But what I mean when I say this is that the humans are unable to leave the building they are in. Purgatory looks excellent Sir Toppum! At first I only thought you would be good for geomerging whatever Insane54 tells you to geomerge, but I guess I was wrong. This looks like the best **** Zombies spin-off on Sandbox so far, not only because it's forged extremely well, but because it has the most unique layout of all. And the Random Weapon Generator is neat too... I've always wanted to see one that activated when you pressed B to flip a vehicle, but will it happen? No, so I might have to try and make one. I'll definately keep this on my hard drive for as long as it keeps my friends entertained.
So how does the gameplay work out for the zombies? Are they extremely weak, or do they have an advantage (better damage resistance, maybe?) over the humans? Because in most infection games, the zombies usually get really bored and frustrated because it's so hard to get close to the humans. Is the gameplay balanced for both teams?
For the zombies it takes them 3 hits, or an assassination to kill a human. But as time passes custom powerups spawn that make the zombies stronger, but also weaker. So if the zombies stick together and work as a team, it is a lot of fun. So all in all, gameplay is very balanced if team work is used. Other wise like insane said earlier its just a bunch of random attacks that lead to zombies dieing.
Looks great aesthetically. I love how you've been able to incorporate the random weapon box idea into this map as well. It should make for some great gameplay.
Hey sir toppum, love the map. Best **** zombie map by far and i love the ball room and your windows in the 3rd story. But i am having troubles using the random box, it will only let one or two weapons fall down to me. Is everyone having this problem?
Well, I have never heard of this happening. Did you try it in forge or in customs, because the magic box does not work in forge. It only works in custom games.
I've played this map when you were testing its a while back and this is a great game it works for judgement but im glad you designed your own gametype out of it to fit this map :]. I loved the main spawn area and the final area with the trip mine room. This map is massive for this style of gametype and whats really cool is that it works fine and looks good at the same time. Deffinatley a great game good job Sir toppum :]. Im happy to see this finaly posted.
Well the game type makes skipping rooms almost impossible. I say almost because there are always those freak accidents. The Human's gravity is set to the max, so they can barely jump. Maybe with a lot of team work you could get someone up, but you will probably die in the process. Yes it's for zombies. No the humans can not leave the mansion. This is made possible because of how the zombies enter the mansion. The zombies enter by getting on a mongoose or ghost and then getting off. Humans are unable to get of vehicles so there is no way to get out. Also with the cave. There are gravlifts pouching inward, so zombies can come in and humans can't go out.
Hey dude, I just tested and I wanted to tell you this map is sick. The forging is very, very neat, the *lucky-box* works better than ever and the gametype is perfect. I actually am hoping Activision uses this layout for another zombie map. 6/5!