For some more brief details go here: Operation: Forgehub Montage This is the thread for you to submit your video clips, I shall make a second xbox live gamertag so that I have more space. You can link them to file share or community file, whatever is easiest. Just keep them on there for at least a week or two. Try to keep them above 3 seconds long, but less than a minute, about 10 to 20 seconds each is preffered, but whatever will be fine. If possible, understandable if not, maybe add a second before and after for editing transitions and things, they could be cut out if not used. Don't post any more than 6 clips in your name, this may change, but even if you're jesus, it's a community montage, so we're showing off numbers of members and social abilities as well. Nothing obscene, we're representing forgehub to the world, so keep out the T&A please. Submit away! *also note that the second account will not be made straight away, I may need to create a new windows live ID or something, so bare with me.*
here is some of mine(they are rendered) ricochet snipe: : Halo 3 File Details same thing from a different view: : Halo 3 File Details NoScope another NS: i may get more soon but i have to revive my other account so idk ill be able to
By the way, the new account I created goes under the gamertag: MLGinfiltration I'd use this for MM as well, okay? Anyway, feel free to FR or anything if need be.
I don't think I'm getting enough clips for this to be worth it, I'll probably call it off :/ Unless I get a wave of plenty of them..
Assassination, through a wall? Man Cannon Kill, watch this film but from the perspective of the guy who I killed, hilarious. Double Kill, what n00bs.
Here is a nice clip I got in mlg. Just for you: : Halo 3 File Details Description: one shoot nocope spawnkill dublekill, then another kill for the triple, then choke on the exterm. But dont put the ending where i choke in the montage.
Alright, I'll give you some of my rendered films. Feel free to pick whichever you like, I know you need halp and all.. : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details Have fun. I can render a few films for people, so if you need em' to submit to this tage... let me know.
Ive got two films rendered you can use.. I was gonna use them for mine.. but I have next to no interest in what i wanted to make MLG OverExterm Description: Just get an overkill exterm on Onslaught with the br LOLBAGGING Description: I find a guy in Team Snipers on High Ground and decide to tea bag him before I kill him
As I said on the other community montage, every montage needs at least /one/ laser overkill :3 : Halo 3 File Details Also, they weren't interested in SWAT, you might be, so here's a clip of two back to back triple kills /on the same people/. I should have got a killtrocity -_- : Halo 3 File Details
Yeah that was mine, it wasnt an official forge hub community montage because i didnt get permission off them to say i could use their name in it. And it was just for unique kinds of multikills that work well. SWAT ones just dont cut it for people.
Note: This may be slowed down a little, reason - 'The incident' I'll still be on every so often and I'll do what I can, but just so you know, I won't be on xbl as much.
thats seems pretty crappy man.. what the hell did you want twitter/facebook on your xbox for anyway? sites like that are literally ruining peoples lives xD