I know there is a lot of infection maps coming out since the map pack was released. However this one hasn't really been seen before. It is based on Ghost Town. I have completely patched the main based and made it to where there is only one exit/entry way which is a hole in the floor. I also made this map in two different versions. The first is the filtered version, which I know may annoy many people, the second is the unfiltered version. I suggest playing on the filtered version though, since it is more fun. I also tried making sure that humans and zombies have a fair chance of winning. I hate infection maps which are impossible for the zombies to win and the only way they can get any kills is when a human screws up. Please leave any comments about this map that you have. Thank you. Breach Map Breach Map - Unfiltered Breach Game type Action Shots:
They don't. There is 3 shotguns in the base, a sentinel beam (which is somewhat hidden) and then a pair of SMGs. That all the weapons that spawn on the map. You start off with a Battle Rifle and a Magnum. I tried my best to make this game fair for both zombies and humans. So you won't be seeing a constant death of zombies for half an hour. (Unless the players are good with head shots).
Wow, this looks like fun. I'll definately use the filtared version, makes it more real. Yeah, I'm definately going to try it! Good job! ~SS