2 teams have been illegally transported to an abandoned refinery just off the coast of tsavo highway to fight for an unnanounced prize. Best played with 2v2, and 4v4 slayer. Download the map here. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=30067975 FrontsideBacksideRightsideLeftsideBeginning shotgun rushRocketsSnipersPower DrainageFirebomb ^_^ Please rate and comment, P.S. this is my first post so go easy on me.
Get rid of those arrows, and why make a poll? There's already a 'Rate this Thread' option on the top.
You might want to give a bit of a description with your map, list weapons, list supported gametypes, and tell us what makes your map interesting. Looking at the pictures, it seems pretty average to me. It would be useful to know whether you interlocked or if there are any special features. And the blurry effect on the pics is kinda annoying, I dunno if anyone else feels the same way...