Shafted (v1)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JJ3672, Apr 14, 2008.


How would you rate my first map?

  1. This map sucks...

    1 vote(s)
  2. Meh, could use major improvement.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Not bad for a first map, I'll give it a try.

    3 vote(s)
  4. Pretty nice map, definitely downloading.

    1 vote(s)
  5. Amazing job, keep it up.

    0 vote(s)
  1. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By: JJ3672

    Map Description:

    Shafted is a symmetrical, two-level, medium-size, foundry-based map focused around two center pits with a risk/reward situation awaiting for adventurous players. There are no traditional bases, but each team spawns on the lower level of its side and with multiple high and low paths to the enemy’s half of the level. This map was originally called Pitfall, but after seeing 2 maps of the same name on here I decided to rename it to something a bit more original. This is my first map posted here, and was originally constructed before I knew any of the forge techniques (it had been greatly improved since), so point out anything I’m doing wrong and try to give some tips for general improvement. Also, if you find an easy way to break/get out of the map, please report it to me.


    r=respawn time
    c=spare clips

    1 Rocket Launcher (center pit): r=120, c=0
    1 Fuel Rod Gun (center pit): r=120, c=0
    1 Energy Sword (sunken box): r=180
    2 Needlers (in front of sniper spawn on ground level): r=60, c=1
    4 SMG’s (in front of turret on ground level): r=30, c=2
    2 Snipers (far right side of upper level): r=180, c=1
    2 Plasma Turrets (middle of upper level): r=180
    4 BR’s (middle of upper level in box): r=30, c=2
    2 Carbines (left side of upper level): r=30, c=2
    1 Overshield (underneath pallets in back alley): r=180
    1 Active Camo (same place as OS on other side): r=180
    4 Plasmas (in front of carbine on upper level): r=10
    4 Frags (on either side of power drain): r=10
    2 Incendiaries (either side of center pits on ground level): r=10
    2 Bubble Shields (behind carbine in back alley): r=60
    2 Power Drains (between sniper and turret on upper level): r=60
    2 Grav-lifts (in each center pit)
    1 Regenerator (behind barriers on ground level): r=60
    2 Ghosts (to left of carbine on ground level): r=180


    1. Slayer – obviously…
    2. CTF – Flag spawns and plants are in each team’s BR box
    3. Oddball – Ball spawns between center pits on upper level
    4. King of the Hill – Hill spawns in bottom of two center pits (simultaneously), on sniper bridge (each team), and in sword box (must crouch to reach)
    5. Assault – Each team’s bomb spawns in one of the center pits, bomb must be planted in enemy’s BR box


    1. Forge techniques used include interlocking, merging objects with map geometry, and the floating objects glitch.
    2. Ghosts serve to keep fighting off of the ground level; however, they are not overpowered because their movement is greatly restricted, so players may actually exit them of their own will instead of driving around until being blown up.
    3. The back alleys on each side are protected by shield doors to keep out ghosts and prevent spawn killing, but grenades can be banked over and to the side of them to discourage camping.
    4. The OS/Camo is hidden under a couple pallets that the player must break to collect it; the pallets respawn at the same time as the powerup to serve as an indicator
    5. Each side has a “pallet-shield” placed in front of the plasmas that is mainly for aesthetic appeal but may block some enemy fire for a bit
    6. Grav-lift elevators are employed on the left side of each carbine as an aesthetically pleasing method of transport to the upper deck; the grav-lifts are practically invisible from underneath
    7. Each center pit contains a power weapon, a grav-lift that must be used to escape, two fusion cores, and the dreaded traffic cone
    8. The sunken box containing the sword can only be accessed by crouching and staying crouched inside; grenades can easily be banked inside of it


    Going for the sword

    You can’t see me…


    The situation is under control…

    Or not


    And after

    Two plasmas + fusion coils = death

    Right side of map (regenerator)

    Middle of map (rockets/fuel rod)

    Left side of map (sword)

    Download Here:

    I have 4 or 5 other maps that are almost complete, I will post them here when they’re done.

    You can check my file share in the meanwhile if you want to see them: tips are greatly appreciated.

    That’s it for now, remember to rate my map and give it a download.

    EDIT: If link was broken, it has now been fixed. Made a couple small changes to the map (elevated needlers and SMG's, cleaned up a couple boxes, put in some more level-edge barriers) and then re-posted it on file share.
    #1 JJ3672, Apr 14, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2008
  2. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great map but i dont like the fact that u r putting hidden weps
  3. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks interesting. Nice use of interlocking and merging.
  4. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The weapons aren't hidden, they're just hard to get. Adds to the strategy of the map, especially in slayer games IMO. The player has to make a decision whether to go for the weapon or stand back and wait for the other team to go after it.
  5. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
    Senior Member

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    However, when they stop and think about which they wanna do, some dudes just gonna assasinate them. I think the real question is:

    Do I stop and think about getting that weapon, get that weapon, or wait for the other team?

    And while he's pondering that.... WHAM! <Assasination>


    Im just playing with you
  6. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seems like a lot of power weapons, though I guess they're balanced by their lack of ammo and the size of the map. I'll dl and check it out
  7. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Well, don't take stop and think too literally. We're not talking about a life-or death situation here (well maybe for the chief), when I said stop and think I really meant run, shoot, dodge, and think all at the same time. Ya know what I mean?
  8. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea yea i getcha

  9. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thought you would...

    Anyway, this topic seems to have been shafted along with the map, so I'd like to see a bit more in the way of feedback.

    Questions, comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc. are welcome to improve my mapmaking for the future and thus benefit everyone...
  10. Aclopolipse

    Aclopolipse Ancient

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    Hidden weapons? That's not nice.
  11. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Who ever said anything about hidden weapons? Every weapon on the map is easy to find if you look in the right place. The rockets and fuel rod are hard to get, but I guarantee that someone playing the map for the first time would still stumble on top of them (literally).

    Anyway, if I hid any weapons, why would I make a list of where all of them are...?
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    curious as to why left side gets a regen while the other gets a sword...seems a little unbalanced
  13. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Power weapons should always be out of plain site.
    It takes away form map clutter and the booby traps would seem to discourage power weapon whoreing(unless of course you just killed the ***** and are robbing hs corspe in whihc case you earned it)
    Ill DL and edit this with some feedback once ive played a game or two on it.

  14. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well since both teams spawn in the center of the back alleys, they're actually the same distance from both of them. And the sword area is pretty easy to see and attack from most parts of the map, so you have to feel 100% secure before crouching to pick it up.

    Also, the regen spawns 3x as fast as the sword, so I think it all balances out in the end...

    And who 1-starred this topic?
    #14 JJ3672, Apr 18, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2008

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