Kontrol Freeks: Do you think they should be allowed in MLG events? They have already been banned, and i know that, but i wanted to know both sides. Why can they not be used? It has nothing to do with modding a controller it just simply makes the joystick a little longer. I don't want this to be spam so those of you who do not know what they are can head on over to KontrolFreek Performance Gaming Gear - FPS Freek and SpeedFreek for Xbox 360 and PS3 Controllers and check them on out. I will give my personal review later, but for now here is what the community has to saw. Reviews: Scott King Homepage | Major League Gaming user ASSASSiNnDaMiSt ShaddowRaptor Videos: YouTube - COD4 MW - Kontrol Freeks Products 01 YouTube - COD4 MW - Kontrol Freeks Products 02 YouTube - COD4 MW - Kontrol Freeks Products 03
I think that's ridiculous. I have them and they just makes it more smooth like on a mouse and keyboard. If nothing else, it should have been ENCOURAGED...PC gaming is so much more competitive because the mouse doesn't have any of the spring issues that are in a controller...the FPS Freeks decrease that significantly, and I think that should be not only allowed but encouraged.
I may be wrong, but in my opinion they shouldn't have had the ability to ban them. If i wanted to enter a MLG event with a wad of tape on the end of my joystick would they be able to ban tape? But as soon as an actual product comes out it gets discouraged. They both would extend the joysticks, the only difference is that one is an actual product.
That I totally disagree with actually. It just doesn't work like that, you ban the product not the item. The fact of the matter is that it gives the player an unfair advantage over the others...but they should all be using them instead of just banning it outright.
I'm confused with what your saying, all i meant is that I don't believe they should have been banned if they improved players gameplay as much as it said.
Ah, I'm sorry. I took what you were saying as the classic "well this is just X and X, which shouldn't be disallowed because it's just X", when in actually it makes something much greater together, as with everything.
well they cant ban you for playing iwth one in your own house but i think in any MLG turny you cant have any type of mod on your controller (correct me if im wrong) so tape wouldnt be allowed either. But to answer you question no i dont think they should be allowed in MLG events its a MOD on your controller, nothing technical but a MOD none-the-less* Also the speedfreak is slightly different because you can use a wheel aswell at events i think they should be allowed because its just an aid to help driving like a racing wheel.
So you agree with not being able to use a Mod that increases accuracy, but a Mod that increases driving ability is acceptable?
they bisically broaden the range at which your them can go, say normally you thumb can go in a small circle because of your sensiivity and all other factors but with the extention your thumb is higher so it has a bigger circle of movment meaning it can be on a higher nsensitivity and still be exatly the same as a smaller circle but at times have a faster turning speed also if you dont change the sensitivity the extention tranfers basically into a slower movment in the original thumbstick correct me if im wrong on all of this
In my opinion, its all about the money. MLG is influenced by the the Xbox 360 company. They make their money by controllers, the system, the headsets, ect. I may be wrong, but if a rival company, like this one, were to offer better controllers to enhance gameplay and they are cheaper, they could lose millions of dollars. So with their high influence, they told the people who run MLG to ban the controllers, and so they did. I don't know if it's really true but it's a possibility. I find it ridiculous that they would ban it though, technically, there are no mods involved. Everyone should just use one.
FPS Freeks haven't improved my game...from what I've noticed. Banning them is pretty meh, I mean, they don't get that much of an advantage.
This is off topic, but do you know how hard it would be to actually test this? You rarely ever get two similar kills, but to test how.... Im confusing myself. Statistically and mathematically they are supposed to improve your game but that's really hard to prove.
If you change TV's, Controllers, Resolutions or from HD to SD, theres always a noticable difference in gameplay potential. I'd imagine it would be noticable for this plastic thing.
No ****, it took about a day to readjust to the longer sticks. But overall, I don't notice that much a difference with my success.
Well In Cod4 I usualy average 40 kills a game in ground war so if I buy these I can tell you if they work. Say I do bad or less than what I normaly get within the learning time and after ,then I can see if they work. All those kids in those videos are trash at cod lol. I don't belive this will help me since im a heavy support type player not a sniper *****. ;]
Yeah i average about 170 kills on shipment for HQ, im borrowing my friends tomorrow, ill let you know how i do.