Halo Reach Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Klaydude11, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    Since everyone is talking about Halo Reach posted in many other posts I decided to make this one.

    You can talk about anything Halo Reach like new vehicles, enemies, or weapons(Elite Shotgun?), or anything Halo Reach.

    There should be more armor and weapons, the current ones are getting a little old. The ODST weapons, silenced SMG(fancy SMG) and Sexy Pistol Mag-6(or sexy beast of head shooting(ooo, put it in Reach?).

    There could easily be new vehicles like the Halo Wars vehicles(copyright or not?)

    ANyone can come up with anything else "Reachy".
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hmm, I'm hoping for a wider base of weapons/equipment and vehicles this time round for multiplayer which could include;
    A real grenade launcher, an actual sword(usable katana), a fast shooting semi-auto laser weapon (think sentinel beam and carbine mixed), tripmines that don't beep, transport hogs, shade turrets, pelicans/phantoms, AA wraiths, auto turrets, claymores, mongoose with machine guns, motorcycle, auto-mag, silenced smg, and brute plasma rifle.

    I'd also like to see an amount of elite armor the same as spartan aromor, like 10 spartan armor and 10 elite armor, and have it so when you unlock an armor you unlock the spartan version and the elite version too. That way people who like elites aren't bummed out when we have to choose between wearing recon or being awesome elites... We could be uber awesome elites with an elite recon. +honor guard armor.
    And yes I know most of this had been seen in campaigns, I just want it in multiplayer too.
  3. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    RC summed it up for me, but alas though i love forge, i want the h2 vista map creator in halo reach. I mean yeah forge is cool but i am a farcry map maker as well and having a halo version of that would be amazing.
  4. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    I created an entire thread on that subject when reach was first announced. I had stars in my eyes. Apparently the majority of the community on ForgeHub and on Bungie wanted to keep it simple though.

    What I think? Just because it didn't work out for Farcry doesn't mean Bungie can't pull it off.
  5. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I personally think all the mumbo-jumbo about Bungie not putting Halo Wars vehicles in it is pretty bogus. I personally think a hawk or a Cobra in Halo: Reach will play off perfectly fin e with Ensemble (considering they are dead, or rather split)

    Does anybody have any thought about what kind of game it is. All we know is that it'll have matchmaking because of the BETA. But does anybody know exactly what it is going to be, a first person shooter? again? I'm hoping for an RPG of some sort.
  6. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Out of all the halo wars vehicles the one I'd most want to see in reach would be the locust... Having those would just make the game awesome by itself.

    And about forge, I think a disk devoted to it would be nice, if its on the game at all.
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Confirmed to be an FPS.
    I'd actually like seeing 2 variants for the pistol in reach. Automag, and Halo CE magnum.
  8. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    All I care about is Forge. 'Nuff said...
  9. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    duel wielding swords would be cool, double the speed (or maybe like 1.5x the speed) of using 1 sword.

    I would like no BRs because they overpower every non power weapon and make gameplay a little repetitive because EVERY player always keeps a BR with them and there is no variety in weapons...

    Halo CE mag or automag would be great.

    Blood Gulch or Headlong return would be amazing.

    New gametypes would be good too

    My ideas for the game:

    `Ability to take off assassination (to make invulnerable, truly invulnerable)
    `more urban (city) maps.
    `map editor
    `New Katana idea: Revolvers that dangle on legs.
    `Customizable leg armor
    `weather/time of day FX on maps (probably wont happen...)
    `Open world campaign
    `Night vision on snipers
    `Ability to give fall damage to players in custom games.
    `Equipment- portable motion trackers, portable kill balls, laser turrets (mini guns in H3 campaign)

    I cant think of any more.
    #9 Loscocco, Oct 23, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  10. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Assassination is classic in Halo, and its cool, I wouldn't like to take if off.

    And the competitive aspect would be ruin.

    WAIT! Did you even played Halo:CE? How the hell can you say that the BR is overpower and want the Pistol back. The Pistol was much more powerful than the BR.

    Yeah, because everyone loves slow gametypes. Valhala is WAY better than Blood Gulch, the man cannon make the action much faster and the hill make the game more tactical.
    Its simply a better map than Blood Gulch, I don't understand why the hell people want it back.

    If we have a REAL map editor, this could happen.

    Useless on multiplayer, but would be cool for Campaign.

    I think Halo Reach will use a Class System, just like CoD 4.
  11. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Any proof to back this up?
  12. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    There really hasn't been any proof of anything except...
    It's an FPS
    It's on Reach
  13. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I agree on the Night vision just like halo ce, Um no Valhalla sucks compared to Blood Gulch or Headlong.

    Main reasons for wanting a new version of Headlong.
    1. mulit teared levels to play one about 5 different levels of height on the map i think.
    2. It's urban had an amazing weapon layout and spawn set up, camping was impossible and adding gravity lifts would make it even more harder.

    Blood gulch reason for returning.
    1. awesome map, not a slow game unless its like freaking slayer then yes.
    2. The milestone map for halo 1 and halo 2. So why not bring it back but maybe in a different environment.
  14. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Well it is controllable in custom games because giving someone invulnerability is impossible because that player needs to worry about being hit in the back...

    `So removing the BR makes the game non-competitive? So if you are playing Team Slayer with no BR starts and no BR spawns, you would all drop your weapons and stop playing seriously? There are other weapons in the game, removing the one that people are most dependent on doesnt make the game any less competitive. It makes it more competitive if players are using variety in weapons because players need to watch out for players with certain combos of weapons instead of being able to pick that person off easily from any range.

    `The pistol is a better replacement than the BR... bullets have stunted range and cannot shoot as far as the BR. It is also has a much slower firing rate than the BR so that 1 burst of the BR is a tad faster than firing 1 round of the Magnum. So the BR has a little more speed + range than the magnum.

    `1: Mancannons- Blood Gulch had Teleporters from the base which served the same purpose and made action just as fast. People dont want an exact replica, they want a remake. Avalanche is a remake of Sidewinder, yet is almost completely different. It still plays the same and has the same feeling and the same tactics apply. Mancannons could just be added to the bases on Blood Gulch...
    2: Blood Gulch doesnt have a huge hill in the middle, but it is probably more tactical due to the variety of environments in the map (2 bases, caves on one side, cliffs on the other side, open environment in the middle). The caves on the side offer the best area for CQC players to accumulate, the cliffs on the side were great for snipers, middle for all infantry and vehicles to be safe by the very small hills to take cover behind from far ranged enemies. The tactics in Blood Gulch involves being able to have a good positioning of territories across the map and have a variety in player classes (snipers, CQC fighters, Main Infantry, Vehicles, etc...). You must also be able to have quick transportation in many ways due to the large environment.

    `Could be used as a flashlight. Be able to see people in the dark and some players are more used to seeing others through the scope when all colors are the same (green, black) without the distraction of bright/dark colors to ruin their aim.
  15. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah thats likely to happen.. but its also just gonna piss everyone off..

    The guy who made the BR doesnt like it. It didnt work out the way it was supposed to.. It was supposed to have an innacurate burst fire less accurate than the assault rifle (so carbine would be more powerful) but the spread never seemed to react because the burst was too close together.

    Anyway.. if they take it out.. the BR is only gonna be replaced by another weapon that does the same. In halo: CE the pistol was THE weapon to carry around.. Halo 2 and 3 its the BR.. Reach is just gonna get something else..

    I also think having a listening in system on Multiplayer... like if you close by to an enemy (like 3 feet or so) you can actually communicate.. Whether it be flaming or whatever doesnt matter... it just gives that whole new perspective of listening in to team chat.. This paired with a helmet flashlight so some players could even code messages would be cool and funny as **** :D
  16. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I had another idea that would not be in Halo EVER, but would be funny.

    Emotes: if two players get close to eachother and press a button combo (something that couldnt be done accidentally) , they would do an emote such as a High Five, Headbang, or tap their head with a gun.

    It would never be done, yet would be so cool. Imagine sniping two guys giving eachother a high five lol.
  17. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Like in army of two? That would be cool. To be implemented in the game in would have to serve some purpose. What if, while playing VIP, if you were the VIP and you High fived someone on your team, they became the VIP.
  18. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    That could actually be the greatest idea anyone has ever came up with, besides sliced bread(???). That could easily happen, the VIP is being chased then he sees a friend and high fives him, then it's his fault.
  19. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Eh, Im not sure about the switching VIP thing because that could lead to huge exploits... And the system that I was thinking about to do emotes would be:

    `both players must press a button combo to interact with eachother- buttons such as: Hold Up DPad, Hold Y, Press B. If you do this alone, nothing happens except you lower your weapon briefly.

    Another idea that I forgot about: Bring back Halo 2 Clan System. As a clan leader, I find it incredibly inconvenient using B.net and making a second gamertag for holding clan members instead of having a clan list to hold all members.
  20. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    If halo ever gets an mmo there would be emotes but for a console probably not. (although it would be cool) i wish for the clan ability to be back also. and Team chat like COD with the perk on would be badass i know that in halo 2 you could do that occasionally (i think it was a glitch) but we always were heckling each other especially when someone was invis.

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