Desolate - bare: providing no shelter or sustenance; "bare rocky hills"; "barren lands"; "the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes"; "the desolate ... Entered for "Hub of the Dead" Competition Backstory (a suggested read!): Spoiler <// - Accessing unknown comm link <// Please Wait <// … <// Comm link accessed. <// Crystal – Al-right you know the briefing 045, Retrieve the Tier one data at the opposite side of the Floating Forerunner facility, codenamed: Desolation, motion trackers showing empty so don't expect much of a fight if any, this pelicans pretty low on fuel We'll return with a fully loaded pelican to pick you up in an hour, Crystal, Out //> <// Sgt. Conners – You heard the lady, armour up and prepare to jump. <// ODSTs – Ohhrah <// Pelican Pilot – Sir we're at the drop pile out boys Back hatch opens - <// ODST A34 – Area Clear <// ODST A45 – Clear <// Crystal – Al right sending schematics and maps of the facility extraction will arrive in one hour. <// Spartan 045 – Move <// Spartan 045 -Hold up... A34? <// ODST A34 – Yes Sir? <// Spartan 045 - Check those ruins. <// ODST A34 – Yes sir! -ODST enters ruins- <// ODST A34 – Arrrggghh! <// Spartan 045 – A34? A34! Respond <// ODST A34 - - Static - <// Spartan 045 – ****, A19? Sgt. Conners, on me. -045 and A19 cautiously enter building - <// Spartan 045 – ****, command? Register A34 as KIA... <// Spartan 045 - Command? <// Command - -Static- - <// Spartan 045 – Move out ODSTs head to the objective point, -Unintelligible screams - <// Sgt. Conners – Sir? <// Spartan 045 - Yes Sergeant? <// Sgt. Conners - What is that? <// Spartan 045 – It's charging! Shoot! <// Spartan 045 – Target down, ODSTs? Watch out for armed hostiles, specialise in close quarters combat <// Sgt. Conners – This is it Sir? <// Spartan 045 – Right, keep me covered I'm retrieving the data <// Sgt. Conners – What the- Arrgh! <// Spartan 045 – Sgt. Conners? Sgt. Conners! <// Spartan 045 – All Remaining ODSTs Data retrieved, main objective is to get to the extraction point ASAP, secondary is to make sure the data gets there, move out! I've got my own problems Intended gametype: Save One Bullet (but will work with most other infection games) Description: "Serria 045 aided by ODSTs was sent to recover teir 1 Data. But what was found was completely different ... 6-12 players." The baren wastelands of Installation 00 hold many secrets of forerunner technology, finding them is a difficult task, but the Aegis Fate found something, a forerunner floating facility monitored by the Acdectus Terminal, upon landing on the facility they found an unknown species with some kind of disease passed pysically from one to another, this disease causes mental anger and loss to controll areas of the brain, as well as increasing your physical abilities. Staying away from this Infection is highly advised, even if that means killing the infected and fighting off the horde. Screenshots: Overview Overview #2 Day and Night comparison Human Spawn Infected Spawn/Temple Overview Terminal Overview(Day) Teleporter To Temple Action Shots: Spartan 045 Falling in Battle by a Infected ODST A14 Defending himself against 045, infected... 045 Killing an Infected Map link: Here Main Forger: JHawk 117 Co Forger: ODST Astro Designer: Jhawk 117 Storyline: ODST Astro Graphics: ODST Astro Testers: Davidladdie Dr Mario GOST Jam Cliche ODST Wasabi Blstrgmr yveracob DroppedasaBuba Andob
looks prety cool and i like the little story line i kinda wish you would have made a gametype for it it would have been cool over all the map looks nice good job
It Is said at the Top that this map is intended for Save one bullet from hub of the dead, so there would be no point to add a gametype. But Anyway, thanks Hawk for telling me about the compitetion, I believe this is a strong condentor for hub of the dead. This compitition really inspired me to get back on to Forgehub after a year of neglect, the map was really well made, it would of been better if it wasnt for that damm object limmit, i mean even spawn points count as objects!
This map looks like it would be fun to play, I admire the scenery. I like the overview pic of the Terminal. I think you should always provide a game type for a map, even if another one works with it. Your story was ok, over all nice map.