Need help BAD =\ Spanw Points arent working properly.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Z3ro Man, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    So I have a new map created with basically 2 sides. 1 Intended to be blue, and 1 intended to be red. Now I have created a re-spawn Area/Zones on both sides, according to that team. So Attackers being Red, and Defenders being Blue.

    I have also created a starting point on both sides, again, both according to the team. Within the Re-spawn Zone/Area on both sides, include many Re-spawn Points.

    After creating all these I save the game, and head to custom games, and select Team Slayer. After starting the match, defenders will spawn on attackers, visa-versa. Its all random, and none of it is functioning properly.

    With that said, I have followed all the steps in many guides for creating 2 Teams with 2 Separate Zones and cannot seem to figure out how to get this all to work.

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.
    Every point/area, whatever, are ALL marked according to the side its on. I also understand that during the game, blue can spawn on the red side etc, but initially in the start, blue is spawning on red vise-versa.

    And yes, I pressed start, changed game type to Slayer, then saved it after placing spawn points etc.
    #1 Z3ro Man, Oct 23, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You might want to put down more starting points, changing them to their corresponding side (blue for attackers, red for defenders), and seeing how that works out.
    #2 Black Theorem, Oct 23, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  3. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    This beings up another question - Do attackers stand for the color blue/ defenders for red, or does it matter?

    So you are suggesting to switch the current Starting points I have on each side to the opposite team? So switch the Blue starting points to Attackers from Defenders?

    Btw, I have 5 Starting Points on both sides.
  4. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    The blue team should spawn on the attackers starting spawns and red should spawn on the defenders. Also, are you starting a custom game with only yourself being in the game?
  5. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    Yes I am the only person in the game - Maybe thats my problem, but I didn't think it would be at 1st.

    I guess my main issue is in the start of my custom game. If I am blue, I will spawn on the red side, even tho I have set it so that ONLY in the start, if I am blue, I will spawn on the blue side. AS the game goes on, its normal for a blue to spawn on the red side.
  6. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Defenders = Red . .
    Attackers = Blue . . . . .
    3rd Team = Green . . . . . .
    4th Team = Orange . . . . . . . } These are Pregame Lobby Colors. Blue will always spawn on Attackers.
    5th Team = Purple . . . . . .
    6th Team = Purple . . . . .
    7th Team = Gold . . . .
    8th Team = Pink . . .
  7. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    Ok, so me being the only person in the game, does that affect the spawning in any way?
  8. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Yes, if you go into a custom game by yourself your starting spawn will be random. Try using a dummy controller (with one controller red and one blue) and see if you spawn in the proper place.
  9. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Not really, it shouldn't.
  10. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ... I'm still having problems. I changed the Starting Points around and am still spawning on opposite sides.

    Anyone know what to do? :(

    Realllllly frustrated now
  11. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    All these above, half have it right.

    Custom games isnt at all like matchmaking. In MM the team colours are fixed to the gametype and spawning of Attackers and Defenders. Custom games however, assign the Defending Team, The first team selected. The attacking team is then the second team selected.

    For Example: If you have 3 people on Red Team and 2 On green team who just switched from blue team. Red team is team 1 = Defenders, Blue team is team 2 = Attackers and Green team is team 3 = 3rd Team. So using the wrong colours will set up the wrong type of map.

    This explains why when you enter the game as only one person. You always spawn as the defenders if you play by yourself. It doesnt matter what colour your team is, you'll spawn on the same starting point unless you change teams midgame.. which will end your game.

    I wouldnt really bother about people starting in the right base because of a light. On Tundra Red spawns at Blue base and viceversa... but no one seems to be bothered.
  12. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    I'm mainly concerned about blue team spawning with red team at the start of the game, vis-versa, but I'm assuming that probably wont happen. However, I did play a game with 2 mates and 1 of my opposite team spawned rite beside me - which doesn't make to much sense.
  13. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    did you double check all of your spawns?
  14. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Okay..since everyone doesn't quite understand this I guess its never really been posted.

    Red is for Defenders and Blue is for attackers in CTF, King, Bomb, Territories, Infection.
    Blue is defender and red is attacker in Slayer
    VIP is always random it picks either or.

    And I think thats all the gametypes.

    Idk why but bungie effed up Slayer and switched the colors. So try that and see if it works. If not then just do trial and error. If you load up Slayer as blue team and you spawn red side Switch the start spawns to the opposite. If you load up Flag and you spawn red but you were blue switch the sides etc. Also go in the game with 4 or more people because its weired. While I was creating my 1v1 map the defender and attack spawn points have no effect on which color will spawn where its random in 1v1. In 2v2 though it should take the spawn area side into effect and spawn you on the right sides then.

    Also your problem with people spawning next to you. Make sure NONE of your start spawn points are neutral if so if the other team doesn't have any more start spawns they will spawn by you. All you should need is one start spawn per team and have like 5 or so spawn points in about a 10 foot radius and the extra teammates will spawn on the spawn points and that will remove your problem with the other team starting spawn next to you
    #14 Adelyss, Oct 24, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  15. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    what adelyss said exept in infection infected are attackers, blue is humans. adelyss said red and blue, not human and infected
  16. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Fiest off, Steve 11thselby and Adelyss seem to have the best answers but everyone has there own theory so heres mine..

    The way I see it is that in gametypes such as CTF, Assault, and Territories there is a Attacker and a Defender. But in Team Slayer both teams are considered "Attackers" so the game cannot determine which team to place on the Attackers side and which team to place on the Defenders side, so its just random. Does this make since?

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