i ripped my hair out becouse of this ****ing puzzle but i love it because its hard very hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The kind of absolute understanding of forge you would need to posses in order to have the confidence to even attempt a map like this is just staggering. It's like you've entered into some forge nirvana where, not just the landscape, but the very reality around you has become malleable to your touch and will . ^^^^ Fancy way of saying I like this map. It is good. Map is good.
I just Q'd it up for the download and ill be checking it out later tonight with some people. I read the original post but I'm still clueless as to how you made a map in forge that works. I'm not doubting you at all, if anything I'm giving you major props. And that guy that asked for a tut above, i second hand that. (I like Puzzle maps but when I get completely stuck i like to check out the tut and continue going.)
Took me awhile too figure out the first part, then I slowly read the hint over and over, till finally I was like, Oh, Facepalm. Got past the second part quickly, now stuck on the the third. Very fun puzzle map.
Map looks very challenging. Seems very hard, well merged, and plannned. I love it, I think it is just great, I will deff download and play it. Good job...5/5
Guys, if any of you get stuck just hit me up with a PM or message over XBL. I will respond and give you appropriate advice, which will range from further cryptic clues, more obvious clues, or an outright explanation of how to do that step, depending on the level of help I think you need. I don't wish to release a tutorial video just yet, it's far too tempting for people to just see how all the puzzles are done, instead of actually make attempts to work them out themselves. It kind've defeats the purpose of the map, it would be like giving someone a jigsaw puzzle, but with all the pieces already in place. Remember this is actually a very short puzzle map by today's standards and you can also save your progress. It's far more user-friendly to handle in bite-size chunks, one puzzle at a time. Don't feel as though you have to solve the whole map in one go! So, in conclusion, PM me for help, I will respond!
Im still stuck on the turret puzzle. I can get through the first wall with the turret glitch, but I cannot get passed the next wall.
Hey, i've managed to reach room 5 but im completley stuck GT: GoG Rampage my friends list is full send me a message and i'll happily show anyone who needs help...
Okay, I've tried beating this map for weeks now, and I can't. Can someone tell me how to beat it 100%, buhhda gave me some tips but they help to a point.
This ma is amazing. Nuff said, but unfortunately if I left it at that it would be considered spam so I will go into more detail... Every detail of this map is genius, every challenge is extremely challenging, and buddhacrane is godly. That is all.
Yeah that's the wrong way (I mention that in the "Pics and Hints" section). Basically I couldn't block it off in a way that prevented you from reaching that area. So I just stuck a fire nade in there to signify it was the wrong way instead. P.S. You'll all be glad to know I plan on releasing the much anticipated walkthrough guide this week! I'm officially fed up of people bugging me
Have you ... or will you reveal how you did some of your trick buddhacrane? I noticed some interesting features about this map that have never been seen before. I Loved even the second section... Can't even imagine the time spent into putting this together. Manifesto.. would be a way to put it.
Hmm, well, there aren't really many special "tricks" that I did persay. A lot of it is just using the knowledge of Forge that most of us already have, but in a different way. Tell you what, I'll write up a blog post detailing how and why each of the puzzles work and anything special about them. I'll also mention how my "Round Breaker" switch works. The thing is, all the tricks I learnt are very specific to creating a Forge map, so I don't really think any of it will apply to any regular Forge projects out there. Of course if you're just curious to see how I pieced it all together then it could make for an interesting read I suppose.... P.S. The walkthrough guide is released! I even rendered it for you all!