So I'm working on a new map and I need to create a switch. The switch has to make a bunch of blocks fall down, but be able to respawn and have the blocks not move. This is on Sandbox. I've tried a couple different things and have one idea that kind of works, but I could definitely use some ideas. So if anybody has any suggestions, or switches that might work please help me out.
If you hold up the blocks with a pallet(s) and leave some flame nades nearby, the nades will destroy the pallet(s), everything will fall down in a fiery blaze, and stay on the ground until the blocks respawn. Make the pallet(s) spawn quicker than the blocks, so that the blocks don't just pass through. I can't think of another way off the top of my head.
I tried something like that. Can't remember all the details, but don't the pallets and blocks just fall to the ground once spawning?
That might work, although they might prevent the blocks from falling down. I'll test it out, but I'd still like a few more ideas.
Do you need the blocks to be able to fall at the player's will? Or do you need them to fall on their own after something else occurs?
Fall at the players will. It can be anything. Throwing a nade, picking up a power-up, shooting a grav lift etc.
I think you could just do this using like the dumpster bridge switch thing on youtube. If you have two weapon holders angled slight out the way and two grav lifts aiming at the boxes holding them into position (pin them in using blocks around the ends and above them) you can then create the switch using a custom power up holding two fusion coils above the floor. When the custom power up is picked up, the two coils drop to the floor being destroyed. Using the runtime minimum settings, you can place two more fusion coils above where the grav lifts are, and have a man cannon launch the two new fusion coils into the weapon holders, which will (hopefuly) destroy the grav lifts holding the blocks in place. Because im not very good with words, i just drew you a quick picture Hope that helps a bit
Ok, you could take a wall placed flat, and put some grav lifts on top, then put a bunch of fusion coils near them, but where they don't get effected by the gravity lifts. then put your boxes under the wall (grav lifts have effects under them too) next close off the area with the grav lifts except for one area. then make a switch with a man cannon pointing a fusion coil down a shoot to the exposed side of the grav lift apparatus. have the fusion coil released with a custom power up. have the grav lifts spawn at 10 sec, boxes at 20 and fusion coils spawn however often you want the switch to work. sorry this is so confusing but I'll try to make an example and post it here. good luck -Teaco
Thanks for all the help. I think I got an idea thanks to Camofo. It's not exactly like your but it sparked an idea. Thanks for all the ideas people!