I know the title totally looks like Spam. But I was sitting in Computer Science today growing tired of my current desktop, and as a joke opened up paint and simply typed out an angry emoticon on a black background, then it struck me, this would make an AWESOME wallpaper, if it were more... epic! So when I got home I started up GIMP and got to work, and ended up making 6 wallpapers based off emoticons, for everyone to use. May I present to you... The Emoticon Series! >8( : XD : =D : -.- : ='( : O.O Feel free to use any of these you like! XD (these are all intended for 1280x800 desktops, but I'm sure it won't look to odd stretched) Oh yea, and feel free to CnC, but I'm not going to change any of them, so it'd be purely for future reference or your own inflated ego. XD
lol creative idea.. and thanks for that comment on inflated egos anyways, i love them all, my favourite is the -.- one.. the word that popped into my mind was "srs", and i automatically thought of this one gif ive seen before.. its the guy from the emporer's new groove playing some banjo thing and there's text that says "srs".. couldnt find it but oh well.. lol thats what it made me think of. i also like the xD one, its so hardcore!! oh and one thing for future tip... the 8 in >8( is uneven.. the bottom loop is smaller.. lots of fonts do that, but ye might wanna find one that doesnt
the inflated ego thing was just a joke my friend XD And the >8( is me and my friends creation and I thought the uneven-ness made it more funny... we use it all the time... ( i also spring >8D on him whenever i can)
Did you use C4Ds, or make those effects yourself? The purple one looks sick, and the green one is pretty cool too.
I'd suggest staying away from brushes and do some composition with the pen tool. Except splatter brushes, of course. As for the wallpapes', the colors look odd in my opinion, the only one I would use is the -.- one.