When playing campaign, I'll get to the destination as the rookie, but I have to sit around for 10-15 minutes before the checkpoint loads along with the clue. Does this happen to anyone else?
Only glitch I've had was not being able to get out of my drop pod right at the start. Restarted the level and all was sweet. Did you load the game to your hard drive cause that might have caused the extra loading time.
no, but one of the phantoms on firefight decided to not land and just hover 50 feet above the ground.
One game i was playing campaign on the first mission with 2 buddies, and two of us died... but when we spawned, we spawned on the opposite side of a wall from our friend and we were walking around a blank unfinished room. Happened twice.
I really haven't experienced any glitches except for major lag which one time made us quit then booted the entire lobby to the dashboard. My disc tray opened and I was freaked out but then realized my toe was right there...
I have never experienced many glitches in Halo 3:ODST. Except for the time Virgil glitched himself to the top of a building. We watched, and shot, at Virgil for like half an hour until we finally quit out. Twas when we were trying to get Deja Vu.
One time, after I took a screenshot in Firefight on Alpha Site, when I looked in the screenshots menu it said something about a corrupted file or something, it wouldn't even let me delete the screenshot. I closed the screenshots menu, took another screenshot, and when I opened the screenshots menu again the other screenshot worked.