hmmm... who knows if you can break outside of the barrier on longshore? than you would have enough space to make a boat map in water.
Me and my friends already did this when the map packs came out we spent 3 hours on longshore in forge messing with the dingys, they figured out if u shot the boat or meleed it it would stay afloat, I figured out to put a mongoose on and drive it. Also put down a bubble shield on the boat and drove around in it.. my own personal bubble it follows me wherever i go xD or as my friend called it. Submarine Goose. I sank >_>.
Shortly, a video will be posted. However, I am not a bungie pro subscriber, so I will instead post a link to a file any nice person would render, then the vid will be embedded. The ghost idea was tested, but the simple thing was: It would fall off way to easily because of it's hovering capabilities. Simple. Also, thanks for all the feedback, people.
this is pretty cool. I think I may have some fun with this. Anyway, this is about halfway original. I cant say if someone had something exactly like this, but it is pretty close either way...
Video fun-ness from youtube! YouTube - How to make a Motor Boat in halo 3 Has tutorial on the dinghy boats, it shows their limitations, how to turn, how to make.. etc. Notice the date. And now the debate part of the post! Yes, this has been known about for a long while now. It's nice to finally see it on forge-hub. Thanks for sharing, because I honestly thought this was already common knowledge.
Wow! I sincerley thought I invented this. Silly me. Anyway, thanks for that video, it'll go on the original post soon. I'll also state that I didn't make this.
Although it's already been done, it's a very nice idea. Only, it's too easy for it to tip over, and I find myself going slower, much, much slower than a real jet ski.
Well, regardless of it's speed, it's a drivable water vehicle, and that's all that matters. Video is up now, but I must warn you: It's speeded up for some reason, so no, it doesn't go that fast.
This is sweet, I hope someone manages to figure out a way to keep the boat afloat without having to shoot it all the time then it could make for some unbelievable aquatic battles
Great job with that I might just use it. It sucks that it requires so much care to drive >.> but it could still make for some great gameplay.
nobody has answered me!!! my idea was to break the map and get a whole buttload of ocean funzone, just by breaking outside of the map! btw,does this go as fast as a person regulary walking? just wondering.
Death barriers much? Well, I guess you could work around it but you'd need to place a lot of objects.
I've done this before and its amazingly awesome. I'm glad somebody posted something about it, I'm too lazy to post. I hope to have the time to make a map with this, maybe infection.
You couldn't possibly post the map because whenever i try to get the boat to hang over the edge the mongoose doesn't let it go anywhere. thanks also a good name would be the UNSC Seal