Map Download: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Download: (Use This!) : Halo 3 File Details Well, after two and a half months of work I finally completed this map that I first planned in late July/early August. My basic goal was to create a town map where there was more to the game than just camping in buildings. So, I set about creating a map with a fair amount of exterior objects. Most of the streets have cars that were abandoned when the zombies came. (They're just warthogs, but use your imagination, try to convince yourself that its normal for sedans to have chainguns). Some of the rooftops are also accessible, giving another reason to keep people out of the buildings; this also helps separate survivors- if you fall, you have to go back to the way up, and risk getting killed. The construction site is another addition that helps with camping, but I'll get to that later. Let's go over the buildings....... The Diner The starting spawn for the humans, and the only place to grab some grub, the diner is one of my favorite buildings on the map. It has two doors, and about a third of the walls are covered in large windows, that zombies can leap through, but humans usually cannot unless they jump on the table first. There are a bunch of tables and a counter inside, which hold the diner's inventory: two firebomb grenades and a pistol (well the owner had to defend himself from angry customers somehow). The diner will become boarded up at 45 seconds and 60 seconds into the game, after which the only entrances are the back door, and two windows in the front. Shown here: The Store Right next to the diner is the Store, and about the same size of the diner, the store has two entrances, the door, and the window. In the Store, you can find a set of body armor (overshields) (don't worry, it never respawns), and a first aid kit (custom powerup that recharges your shields and slows you down for four seconds). Also, behind the counter there is a shotgun- I guess the clerk feared looters. The Construction Site Next to the Store is the Construction Site. The construction site is an interesting place, it offers no weapons and no camping spots, however it does offer a scaffolding structure that will take you to the roof of the Store, from where you can jump to the roof of the Diner. The Construction Site is also the ideal spot for zombies to take cover, as it is a cluttered area with plenty of cover. The Pub Across the street from the Construction Site is the Pub. The Pub has only one entrance, but its a big door, and its a small building with nowhere to run. The pub contains three firebomb grenades, a sniper rifle on the wall (Shaun of the Dead Reference), and a first aid kit. The Old House The Old House is behind/next to the Pub. It is the only building with old wooden floorboards, and already boarded-up windows. The building has some interior wreckage including a sofa pulled away from the wall, and some pallets. Under a floorboard that has been pulled up is a shotgun. Next to the old house is a small shed that apparently once belonged to a pyromaniac who kept two fusion coils, a trip mine, a frag grenade, a firebomb grenade in there. He also kept an assault rifle and atv in there, should the town find out about his explosive antics and he need to make a quick escape. The Apartment Complex The Apartment Complex is the only building in which only the second floor is accessible. It contains one mauler (someone must have had a sawed-off shotgun in their apartment). The Bed n' Breakfast Next to the Apartment Complex and in the middle of the map, this is another one of my favorite buildings. With the flag flying above it, its the icon of Victory Town. This building has two floors, downstairs there is the lobby and check-in counter. A pistol is on the counter. The upstairs consists of a balcony and a room. The room has a bed and a battle rifle under the pillow (don't ask, I call it the Bed n' BReakfast room- yeah BR, clever, is it not?). Sometimes zombies will spawn on the balcony that looks out over the street. Residential Street This picture is looking out from the top of the exterior staircase of the Apartment Complex. The Residential Street has two houses, each with their own backyard. Inside the house on the left there is a shotgun, and in the backyard on the left, there is a first-aid kit. In the house on the right there is an smg, and in the backyard on the right, there is a 7-wood. Gametype Human Traits: 110% Speed 200% Gravity Normal Shields I don't know exactly how much damage resistance, but they die from two sword hits. Shields do NOT recharge, you must find a first-aid kit. Start with Assault Rifle and NO grenades They do 90% damage Zombie Traits: 110% Speed 150% Gravity, so they can jump through windows... Normal Shields 50% damage resistance They do 75% damage Shields do recharge A couple of things about the map and gameplay: -Ammo is scarce, move around. -Weapons have been placed somewhat logically, there is no "armory" or any rocket launchers. -There is no "best place", each building has its advantages and disadvantages. -Use the Buddy System, cover each others' backs on runs to find guns and supplies (first-aid kits, firebomb grenades, body armor (overshields)). Map Download: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Download: : Halo 3 File Details
Great map post, when I was playing this map I was blown away by diffrent buildings and features (Like the Body Armor) this is how Infection should be played, Victory Town encourages team work and planning, the scarce ammo really makes this game realistic. Neither the survivors or the zombies are over-powered, which makes playing zombies actually fun. The health system is one of the greatest features, Health does not regenerate, that is, unless you have get a healthkit. You will be sweating from the intensity. Victory Town earns a exellent 9.0-10 I encourage everyone to download this map, it is great for large parties!
This looks incredible! I love how you made all the different king of buildings with all the little things like the cars in the street and stuff. I love how you also included the health pack too. Looks like it would be excellent for gameplay too. I will DL. 9/10 like fatal.
pretty good map with solid gmaeplay and asthetics however i only had a few problems one was the diner was a little to easy to camp in for long periods of time making it a bit boring for the zombies but that wasnt to big of a deal with the scarce ammo. The rest of the map is great as are the asthetics the different buildings are good and unique good work 8/10
Yeah, the Diner can sometimes be camped, however: the diner has only a magnum and two firebomb grenades. None of those respawn, and are usually taken within ten seconds cuz thats where the humans spawn. The games tend not to last too long, and camping just doesn't become an issue.