Okay, so you guys probably know the game called ''The Orange Box'' If not, it's a package deal by Valve, that includes Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episode 1, Half Life 2 Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2. So i've been hearing a lot lately about how great this game is and how the package is just a great deal. But I'm still in doubt about getting this game or not. See, here are the problems: -I am still way to addicted to Halo (specially now that im gonna get to play teh new maps) and to COD and this other game. -The price is still high. -I have nver played half life, so i don't know if it'll be good. I was wondering, if maybe it would lower it's prices by like June (my birthday is 06-18)Maybe then i'll be less hooked on those games, and it'll be cheaper. But what do you think I should do? Is the Orange Box really that worth getting?
Get your fat @$$ of the oucch and go get it now!! If you do buy it, remember this, The cake is a lie! I bleed it out diggin deeper just to throw it away = offtopic
i rented it and its not "JUMP OFF THE COUCH & GO GET IT" good but its fun to play to waste some time by yourself and then after about 2-3 days of playing it and beating the 3 half-lifes and portal you will be back in halo forging save your money for gta IV which comes out on the 29th :d it got a 10/10 from oxm uk or something like that.
Geez. Someone hasn't played Team Fortress.. Half Life's amazing, nice story, good graphics, fun physics, and the whole feeling stays with you for a while. It's hard to put down. Portal is worth the 60 dollars just to play. It's a seriously amazing game, with a suprisingly deep story and awesome puzzles. It may be a bit short, but I think if they kept going it might get a bit repetitive. Team Fortress is in a league all its own. Theres nothing like when you first walk out as a heavy and fire up the minigun, or get your first backstab as a spy. It's a great alternative to Halo (and in my opinion, much better than), but that'd comparing apples to oranges. I suggest giving it a go, search for a game of 16 on 2fort, and if you're not hooked.. leave. That's it, no penalty, no exp. loss, just come and go as you please. If you pick it up, send me a message at Coolant93. I have some friends that host matches.
sorry i didnt mean that to diss the orange box i loved it and youre right i only played like 3 games of team fortress o: but here is the score oxm gave gta iv and i think you should decide between them because well the orange box is kind of old and gta is the newest thing and more people will be playing it online C: either way have fun
I have that issure of OXM! Anyway, I have the orange box. I only got it for half life and portal. ITS AWESOME! Basicly, its allot like Halo. Exept your name is Gordon Freeman. Nuff said. Team Fortress 2 isn't very good though. Bad menus, a bit laggy.
60 bucks for portal is a good enough deal, IMO. GTA sounds like it is gonna be great too, but that is not what this thread is about.
Yeah, i really don't care about GTA Iv that much. You see, i don't hate it. I think it's a great game, but i'm over my phase of wanting GTA 4. I've been waiting since i got my xbox and thewy just kept frikin' delaying it. First September, then october, then february, then april. I hope this time it actually does come out. But i've decided not to buy it, cause it's not my kind of game. I mean,i like running around in the streets, jet packs and stuff, dont get me wrong. But i hate the missions. Hate 'em. So i'm half going to take the advice from you guys, half not. I'll rent it next weekend at a blockbuster or something. See if it's really worth it. Maybe then i'll decide.
Unlike some people in this thread I shall diss the orange box. I have always believed that Half-Life is the most overrated piece of digital crap I've ever had the mis-pleasure of playing. Team fortress 2, I really cant stand the graphics. I hate the pixel shading and such, not a huge fan of the gameplay either. Portal is the only reason you should ever, ever, I repeat EVVVVVER buy this box set.
If you have a good comp, get it for comp. It's 300 times better than the 360 version. It's 3 games for one price and it's tax free on steam. Maps for TF2 are free when released.
^ Fbu is right. In this case, computer version FTW. I'm not a keyboard + mouse kind of guy, but mods, updates and other stuff is just too great to ignore. Also, consider this: HL2 HL2EP1 HL2EP2 TF2 Portal 60$ ÷ 5 Games = 12$ per game What a steal!
I have to agree with that too. I have it for it for the PC, and TF2 is way more fun on it compared to the 360. Buy Garry's Mod while your at it. Only 10 bucks.
Yeah, i'm not looking to buy it for my computer. It's not a great one, but it gets the job done for the stuff i need. As for the details on its processor etc, i dont really know. I know it's something like -AMD Sepron -Nvidia (### some number)
GET IT!!! Team Fortress is ****, but the Half life games (especially half life 2) are p00nage, and portal just tops it off! And on the PC version, Gmod is a must. I SWEAR, I WILL BUY A MICROSOFT PC JUST TO GET THAT ****! (unless it's on Mac as well)
Nice double post whale boy. If by Awesomesauce, you the afterbirth of Micheal Jacksons and George Bush's lovechild, you are right.
I just have to say one thing. Portal pwns. Its a pretty short but fun game with awesome gameplay. it does however have a weird ending that i didn't understand and: The cake is a lie! help!