The Bracket Show for Aanaheim came out today, you can check it out here. As always it's an entertaining watch, it's always nice to have Sundance back in on the discussion ever since he left the booth. Also, be sure to check out his sexy new barnet, very dashing I think you'll agree. As for the discussion itself, I think the bits about the pretty inevitable Carbon vs Str8 match up in Round 2 are the most key for the circuit overall. tD look to have a reasonably clear time ahead of them, though it should be an interesting run, but I couldn't agree more with Sundance when he says that Str8 really need to take this match up to redeem themselves. Taking the event is a clear goal for them, and tbh one that they really need to achieve as well if they want to dispel the serious questions surrounding them as the H3 dynasty with tD now putting up such consistent results. But the first real step on that road, and the most important one by far, is beating Carbon. And that's gonna be tough I think, Carbon have been keeping momentum after Dallas and they've been doing very well online (on that note, anyone who hasn't already seen it should check out, it's a Halo 3 stat ranking and filtering system much like HaloCharts, but dedicated to MLG and the Pro Players, it's a really great resource for constant updates and overall breakdowns on teams and players). But then we all know how little doing well online can mean when it comes to events. Still, I think Carbon aren't gonna let off, I don't see them being another Classic or BtH and fading in to the top 16 after a big finish. It seems to far in to the season, and H3 MLG for that matter, and even then I just can't see it from any of those guys. I think we'll see big things out of Carbon in Anaheim, not calling a first place finish or anything, but tbh I don't see it as out of the question, especially if Str8 don't show properly like they did at Dallas.
I bet some chick made him do it. Every time somebody has badass facial hair or a shaved head, women complain. The entire result really does depend on whether Str8 can beat Carbon. If they do, I don't see tD beating them, and they'll probably go to win it. If they don't, I'm thinking they won't even find their way into the championship match, losing to whichever team loses the Carbon vs. tD matchup in the winner's finals. Really I pretty much agree with these guys on everything they said, but I think Carbon is better than they're giving credit for. 1: Carbon 2: Str8 Rippin 3: Triggers Down 4: Instinct 5: Team Classic 6: Final Boss 7: Under the Influence 8: Believe the Hype P.S. is awesome. Even tracks live event stats way better than does, so you can filter out the online junk if you don't trust those stats.
Win, I love how many people make fun of Hysteria. Also, I really think Walshy is going to do great on Heretic. Since y'know.. Hes a vetran and all.
Considering his previous form on the map in H2, combined with the fact that he's really settled in to H3 and the different playstyle like a duck to water, I'd be inclined to agree. I really wana see how Carbon work on this new map, and tbh FB as well considering they've still got their 2 power players in Ogre 2 and StrongSide and seem to have fallen back in to their solid, patient style that set them apart back in the good old days. Seeing a Carbon vs FB game of Ball on Heretic would be epic.