To fix your crooked walls dilemma: Note that Im not saying that this works- but it is something to try: Try making a shell around the walls made of blocks or more walls- when you start up the next game, perhaps the walls will stay still. Try also putting an inner shell of blocks around the inside. If the walls still glitch, try placing them between the two shells and try again.
Yea I don't know what the deal is with that Normal and Glitch thing I've had the same problem but I just try to make real smooth measurements and use as many guidelines and braces as possible. Its really annoying because when save and quit it looks OK for a few round but when you come back to it later it might change thats so GAY.
I think there was an article on that on The game doesn't save your walls in the exact position. Im not certan but I think you need to save them a little crooked so they don't move. Again I'm not very sure about this.
i dont know if you are ever going to finish this, but maybe you could give us a link and let someone else build on it? i mean its about 7 months later since ive even been on forgehub and its still not done. Could you atleast give a link to the map as it is right now?
I like the concept and how the map is turning out, sorry I may have to steal your excellent gun shop roof design; it's so cool! Maybe some rubble-like obstructions in the open to provide more cover.