Contest on Template This map was part of a template contest on The template was created by YEE MAN IZ BAK. This is also the first place contest winner. This is a map that CHODOMIUX and I have been working hard on. This map is filled with all unique ideas thought up by Chodo and I (mostly him). When starting this map i abandoned my solo puzzle map that i had been working on for quite some time and put a few ideas into this one because i believe that we can win this contest . I put 2 of the ideas i was going to have in my solo map and i helped improve one of Chodo's challenges. I think this map came out to be a success thanks to Chodo because i definitely would not have been able to come up with 8 challenges by the 15th which is when the contest is over. I'm just gonna move on too pictures because that is what most people care about lol This is the banshee room it is my challenge and i forged it Another part of the banshee room The hub. Forged by Chodo Room below the hub. This is Chodo's challenge but i forged it. This room was created by Chodo and so was the challenge. Room created by me and forged by me. Room and challenge created by Chodo. Part of the other challenge by Chodo Room and challenge by Chodo Same room as above Forged by Chodo but its my puzzle. Its nothing special because its hard to get what you need in there. Final room and challenge by Chodo. That is about it for the map there is one room i left out but it is really small and does not really deserve a picture lol. Tell me what you think of the map and send me or Chodomuix a video if you beat or think you broke the map. DOWNLOAD CONTEST GAMETYPE DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE MAP
see that you wanted the spread the wealth of the templest contest taht ends tomorrow by submitting you map here on forgehub but they could also view this thread on Paradox Forgers Forums and i really like the aesthetics i was playing through and the challenges are tough the rooms are made very neatly with looks and playability in mind i see that you both did a great job on working together to get your creation finished and will notify you whence i finish it
thanks gamesmoker. alot of people who enjoy puzzles still dont go on paradox forums in case you did not know. Good luck with your submission as well. and what did you update your map for on pf
Yeah, this map is great! I love the banchee part and the hub the best, just because on how AWESOME they are forged. I watched the walkthrough video and i was pretty amazed on how original the challenges are. Great job on the map!