Sky Fort V2 Original Sky Fort Link: Download Map Link: : Halo 3 File Details Download Gametype Link: : Halo 3 File Details Time into V2: 15-20 hours Description: Sky Fort V2 has a lot more cover on ground for the zombies then the original Sky Fort, this makes it easier for the zombies to run around on foot without being shot. The powerful weapons inSky Fort V2 have been rehidden aside from the rocket and energy sword. There are some more floating sections which are reachable from 3 different teleporters around the map. The Alpha zombie no longer starts with a spartan laser as this was not considered necessary as the vehicles cant navigate as easily making it easier for the zombies to kill vehicle occupants. Over all the map plays more smoothly then the last aside from a few flaws. Probab;y the main one is when you are heading back down the stairs you will have to jump, I tried fixing this but it involved to much work and I couldn't seem to get it right. Aside from this the level plays smoothly. There is more cover on ground. There is a new ground base instead of that crappy shield barrier thing. Weapons and teleporters have been hidden and distributed around the map. (but you can probably find the locations of most of the hidden things from the screenshots except the spartan laser). Enough from me go download it and I hope It is better then the last one. Robospecta Screenshots: Robospecta
I'm sorry, but for a map named "Skyfort", not much is in the sky. Also, it looks a bit sloppy, which for a map that is this simple shouldn't have to deal with. Also, I'm not familiar with the first, so you need to give a description of how the map works, rather than just say what you changed.
Im going to give you major props for making a map on foundry cuz its great to see non-sandbox/longshore map, but on the down side, the map hold rare cover and the layout dosent hold a great structure(What I meant by that is that its just a bunch of random structures instead of a solid layout) Please, don't take that as an insult. Take that as a opportunity to make the map better than ever. Keep up the work!
K heres what you need to do go look at halo structures and other maps and learn to interlock/geo-merge/ghost-merge and then use those techniques because the map is very sloppy and random
well for starters its not much of a fort and not much is in the sky.. and try doing some geomerging or interlocking to clean things up. ALso i just see a bunch of boxes and brigdes try to make more bases or building structures. but keep it up.
Your map has an interesting concept, however you may wish to improve on some of the lack of cover. Also your weapons seem to be clumped together, if you spread them out you can take the game play to all parts of the map. Aesthetics, not the greatest, however don't waste your time on looks of you don't already have the game play.
I seen your first version of this map... I still don't like it i mean at least have some floating objects but it's still messy try making a v3 and clean it up.