I wanna know how everyone gets their kills in halo, me, I B.U.N.G.L.E. That means I use all those weapons people think are nooby, such as spikers, PP(Plasma Pistol), SMG, PR(Plasma Rifle), and other covenant weapons. MLG - Str8 BR, and other weps in MLG B.U.N.G.L.E. - Description above Starter - Anything but a BR Covenant - Most usage is covenant weps Marine - Most usage is human weps Tell me which you use and/or which you think is best.
Starter. If the game is Team BRs, Slayer BRs, etc., I use the BR for long range/mid range, and use the AR for close range (unless it's Multi Flag, where you only have a BR). If it's just Team Slayer, Slayer, etc., I use the Magnum for mid range, and AR for short range. I usually try to pick up a BR or Carbine to replace the Magnum, though.
I use evrything but my favs are the smg, shotgun, splazer, and flamethrower. I also drive vehicles a lot.
I like to killy enemies with my massive ego, or I that fails me, whatever is there for options, I'll take the most underated. Currently, my *** is dual spikers on the pit. Rofl, I put *** Instead of fav. Stupid spell check on my iPhone. For the lolness of the situation, I am leaving it like that.