Sky Fort Base Map: Foundry Map Download: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Download: : Halo 3 File Details No of recommended people: 6+ Description: Sky Fort is an Infection based map in which there is a floating base in the Sky the Humans and zombies can acess through multiple routes(Humans spawn right next to some stairs leading up). There is also a Gauss warthog two mongooses and a small shelter/bunker on the ground. Once the Humans get up to the sky base there are heaps of good weapons to arm yourselves with. The zombie Starts with an energy sword and spartan laser which can deter the use of the gauss warthog and mongooses. Note: Change zombies speed from 110% to 100% as I forgot to. Note 2: This is my first forged map ever along with Elite Squads and Terminator which were posted before this but I made this a few days before them. I found out how to make things float off you tube before I made it. Screenshots: Please let me know what you think of the map. Whether it is good or bad, what needs improving, what I could do better next time etc. Thanks Robospecta
new to forge? this looks pretty good then, but i think you need a little more detail than that for what i see its a few floating walls with a ramp up to it (mainly). To improve i think you should lose the shield door armory thing and replace it with walls and one entrance, or clean it up a bit. Have a better ramp up to the castle. perhaps stairs, onto a single box, onto a floating stair set (using a double box, then adding stairs + deleting the box) and THEN have the castle, to give a cleaner and easier game for everyone Looks good for a start point, now clean it up
Hmmm... The stairs arnt great, the floating Bridges arnt strait. Just little thing, but I guess it ok for your first map.
i like it! as a new forger its pretty goddamn good!! one thing though: in this picture: you have 4 sniper rifles and a spartan lazer. this is waaaaaay too overpowered. i reccomend using 1 sniper rifle, and maybe a hidden splazer in 1 of the back rooms, and another snipe inthe other back room. overall nice though 4/5
GREAT! really dude this look's like it was thrown together in about 5 minute's but if this is you're first map it's ok i mean but there are major flaws the stairs and almost lot's of thing's. you're best bet is to make a v2, take more time, don't rush be patient even though it can get frustrating, do some merging or interlocking but that's outdated so use ghost merging, and add some more things around it like bases and blah blah blah. 2/5
Most maps that will get 4/5 stars will take a month to make. There are some things that you can LEARN about forge. As in, interlocking, geomerging, weapon placement, and time placement, but other than that you can't really LEARN how to forge. It's all patience. I know you probably made this map in one sitting, and thats perfectly fine if you are just going to play around with your friends on it, if they even want to. But, you have to wrap your mind around the idea that maps are HUGE projects. Projects that take planning, thinking, and months to put down in forge. If you think of it as a simple thing that you could do in a day or two, maps will turn out like this. They will not look like a MAP. They will look like the parts you put down. Like a couple stair cases and a wall or two. Patience is key. I hope that your next map you will take this into consideration. When you start your map, as soon as you put down something good, don't just drive it into the ground. If you can't think of anything, set the map off to the side until you CAN. Don't post it if you've only worked on it for a day. Look at some of the maps around forgehub. Ask yourself, is there ANYTHING you could do to make this map better.
Ok Guys thanks I really appreciate every ones comments and will try incorporate everyone's suggestion's into a V2. Robospecta
I think this is okay for a first map I guess but if were to grade it as I would grade it like everyone else I would grade it not very good like a 1.5/5, but since this is your first map then 4.5/5 becasue you included floating objects. Good job! And while you are on youtube or something you should search how to interlock and geomerge that way maps look much neater.