the Victorian... Created by: Short Bizzle Recommended number of players: 4-16 Game types: Save one bullet Description: Victorian is an infected mansion... Wait, you've heard of this idea??? The reason this is different is because it isn't just a race to the roof! Every room and every floor has its advantages for holding off the zombie force. In almost every infection game I've played in a mansion the theme of the humans is to "race" to the top, but in this map I wanted make use of the entire building. I built this building based off an actual house I worked on. THE CELLAR: It begins in the Cellar level. In most maps posting up in here is suicide, but with some longer halls and cellar "windows" I bring the advantages of the roof all the way down to the ground floor. There are four cellar windows in which the humans can look out to get those pop shots off before the zombies make there way into the mansion. It also offers a turret which has a good look down the three major entry ways. 1) A patient zombie can make their way all the way to the back of the mansion to access the cellar through the sewer pipe. 2)The other main entrance to the cellar is via the stair way under the main stairwell. 3)Finally there are two entrances through the floor of the 1st level that will take you right into the cellar. These entrances can also be used as escape routes to the 1st floor if the cellar becomes infested. THE 1ST FLOOR: The 1st floor also consists of many entrances and rooms, but as with the cellar it has its advantages. The garage is on the 1st floor and can only be accessed via the garage door, which the zombies must crouch through, the large backyard, and the wide open foyer. This room also has a quick getaway via the fireplace, which shoots you up to the roof level! Also on the 1st floor is the kitchen. with the back door and two long hallways being the only ways in, and another fireplace to make your escape this is another good place to hold out. As this floor becomes infected you can move up the main stairwell to reach the 2nd level. THE 2ND FLOOR: The 2nd floor like all the others before can be made into a zombie killing fortress. Up here there are two main rooms, the bedroom and the attic. The attic is small, but it offers many corners for humans to dodge a failed sword lunge. It also only has two entrances via the roof and the main stairwell, so it is easy to watch each others back. The bedroom like the attic is small but also only offers two entrances. This room also offers a quick shoot to roof through yet another fireplace! THE ROOF: Like every other situation where you are running from a constantly strengthening force of zombies the last place you will probably end up is the roof. From here you have the height advantage and you can see those zombies pouring out of the black forest. You may be tempted to poke pop shots at the zombies as they scamper into the mansion. You will however be wasting your ammo because from up here it is futile to use your shotgun or pistol to any avail. The only way you will guarantee a kill at this level will be to wait... until the undead coming flying out of the fireplaces and pouring over the rain gutters to devour your BRAAaaainnss!!! To help illustrate the map I present you with a few photos... The front of the Victorian with its many entrances and advantages for humans... ---------------------------------------------------------- Here is the view from the roof... 1. Side bedroom entrance 2. Entering the cellar through the sewer 3. Making his way to the 2nd level 4. Soaring out of the 2nd chimney 5. Into the garage via the backyard 6. Traversing the roof tops. 7. Sneaking into the attic ----------------------------------------------------------- Now the Foyer 1. Entering the cellar via the stairwell 2. Bashing through the floor to get to the cellar. 3. Making his presence known by entering the main gate ----------------------------------------------------------- Another view of the Foyer note: notice the fireplace and the stairwell to the 2nd Floor ----------------------------------------------------------- The back Kitchen entrance note: Notice the cellar windows ----------------------------------------------------------- The kitchen note: notice the fireplace and the breakaway floorboards ----------------------------------------------------------- Hope this painted a pretty enough picture for you to give it a download. Download: the Victorian
OMG WOW this map is huge and i think it will do very good with infection one thing tho if there are a heap of zombies inside are there any escape routs? this map is very weel put together u have a download for me but i will not test it for a couple of hours
Well the zombies spawn in a "forest" just outside the mansion. As the zombie force grows and they begin to infiltrate the house you can move your way to the top through a series of different escape routes.
in general, i hate theese maps, for 1 reson: it becomes a campfest. however, it seems that, at least part of that, will be removed because of the number of entrences ad possibly the size. It also seems from the pics that it's open enough to not be an issue inside either, however, that's really something that is found out when you play it. as far as zombie houses go, i feel comfortable labeling this among the best. great job.
Pretty sure the contest was to try and stray AWAY from **** zombies, which in all honesty, this map resembles. I think the gameplay may be bad, because of camping, and easily sitting in a corner with shotguns. The forging however, is phenomenal, so good job there. id say 3/5 edit: you have many entrances, which is good, but I still think that any house map is easily campable, and boring as hell for the first 5 minutes
Nice map dude! It's neatly forged and the name reminds me of oblivion because of all the Victorian houses in it. The break away floors have been done time and time again by numerous people, but that's only because it's a good concept, so don't be discouraged. Overall, looks like classic action packed zombie killing onslaught. - 9/10
The map is very well forged and it's a nice departure from other three-room "mansion" maps. The sheer size and scale of the map are a very good way to deter camping. 9/10.
This is a very nice looking and playing map. It kinda gave me the feeling that I was playing horde mode on Gears of War's "Mansion" except with accessibility to the roof and basements. I should probably let you know that you can jump down one of the chimney's (the one that can be used from 2 floors) and go from the roof to the second floor.
WOW! This is by far the best mansion map ive ever seen. I really like the idea of having the fireplaces shoot up to the roof. Im glad that this isnt just another map where you have to camp on the roof. Nicely Done. Im assuming since its for save one bullet that this is for the contest? if so then nice entry
Yeah, I knew that. It's just another way to stop those campers haha. I also thought it would be kind of hard to explain in the description, so I thought it would be cool if people just kinda found out on their own. Kinda crazy you found it so quickly!! Nice exploring!!
This map looks AWESOME. Surely it will make a nice infection game on my hard drive. I really like this. The map looks great and forge well. And the pictures basically say it all for this map.
I can easily see this in matchmaking... for the october ranked infection, it would be awesome... Good map... really good map...
Wow, this looks verry good. I see a lot of effort into the post, not to mention the map. I also really like the idea of having all the floors equal, not just a race to the roof. I like the front door and the fire place, but don't like how it puts you on the roof. I think it should put you on the second floor and still somehow let the zombie drop down. Overall this is nice, and it is way better than what I was planning...
Great map can't wait to play with a large party. Only problem I have had is the fireplace/mancannon launches you to far. Aesthetics: 9/10 Gameplay: I hope to find out soon.
Wow, beau-ti-ful aesthetics and looks like nice smooth gameplay. Definitely a DL from me and I'll get back to you on the true gameplay.