Monolith 1.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by sk8volcom12, Apr 17, 2008.

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  1. sk8volcom12

    sk8volcom12 Ancient
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    Sorry the pic is a little bad. Check out the video for a better look.

    Attention Grabber
    This map is one of its own. There was a lot thought put into it. This map brings together uniqness, competivness, creativness, and anything else that ends with ness.

    Main Overview
    There are 5 main parts to this map (all together which are all connected). The 1st part is the middle. The middle is an open ranged closed quarters arena. There are stacked interlocking walls to border it. If you look around in the middle there will be to tunnels that lead to the second floor. There are 2 main tunnels by the way. The second floor also consist of an open like arena, but there are also a few semi secluded areas. There are 2 main exits to get back to the center (also first floor).

    Weapon Placement
    Weapons on this map are mostly human. Weapons do respawn but because this map is close quarters, they respawn after 2 minutes. The main weapon for this map that will probably be most effective is the Mauler. It is located in both tunnels leading up to the second floor. Grenades and equipment on this vary from types. There are plasmas and fire grenades. The equipment consist of a bubble sheild and a regenerator.

    Other Important Information
    - Should be played with Slayer or Team Slayer
    - For play with 2-6 Players​

  2. Sgt Hamburger

    Sgt Hamburger Ancient
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    i have the feeling that I've seen this map before...
  3. nullstar

    nullstar Ancient
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    i agree it looks fimiliar, good job
  4. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    It looks like it's based on the featured map "The Chute". Chute even uses the word monolithic in the map description. This map was probably inspired by it. Nonetheless, it is a very well thought out map.
  5. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I agree with you guys
    it does remind me of chute, which makes the idea old
    but he took a completely new approach on it and it yurned out pretty well.
    good forging
  6. sk8volcom12

    sk8volcom12 Ancient
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    thanks everyone and i have the chute map and to be truthfull, i have no idea what you guys are talking about???
    This map was actually based on a map i made previous
  7. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    It looks familiar because he stole it from Werem1dget. This map happens to have been made by a friend of mine, it is one of my favorite maps- Plz do explain why you're trying to pass it of as your own.

    Here go to this link. This is the real one.
  8. R43G4N5M4SH

    R43G4N5M4SH Ancient
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    This is true.
    Werem1dget was the original creator of this map.
    Why in the world are you passing this off as your own?
  9. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This seems to be the case. PM me an explaination.
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