Sandbox Sand Cave

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Z3ro Man, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey guys, so I just finished making a map that took me roughly 2 days. It was quite tedious, I must say, but its finally done.

    It may seem kind of clustered at 1st, but take a look around, its not to bad. There are some objects that don't need to be there but for the record this is my 1st map ever.

    Map Type: Small
    Map: Sandbox (Lower level)
    Recommended game type: Free for all Slayer OR Possibly Team slayer (Haven't tried t out yet)
    Recommended Players: 3/4 - 6/7 I don't know - Whatever you feel is rite.

    Weapon Set:

    Sniper Rifle: 2
    Shot Gun: 1
    Carbine: 3
    Mauler: 2
    Brute Shot: 2
    Needlers: 2
    Plasma Rifle: 2
    Flame thrower: 1
    Sword: 1
    Battle Rifles: Enough

    There are 3 maps you can download, Each with different lighting. - 1 is Normal Lighting, 1 is Dimmed, and 1 is Old Time Lighting.

    Personally, I like the feel of playing on the Dimmed Lighting Map, but they all work.

    Here are some screen shots:

    2 Portals: Top 1 brings you to Towers outside, and the bottom one brings you to the flame thrower. There is a man cannon on the blue side which brings you to these portals. (Pic Below)


    Heres the link to the Map. The file set for all 3 maps are on the rite:

    Sand Cave - Dimmed Lighting

    Any form of feedback, good or bad, would be great, and if you like it, share it with your friends! So I hope those who DL it/them enjoy. :)
    #1 Z3ro Man, Oct 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow congrads on your first map you have did everything right and it is not often that every get's it right on there first post. Most people just don't bother to read the rules. i know tthis is your first map so ill take it easy on you. first off when you post a map make sure you only post the name of the map. second when you post (which you have done correctly) never post twice of the same map because people with their other maps will get pushed off the recent map posts.

    Now third

    you have takin up the whole map so it would support 8 players, but the map itself has no real structure, for an example the middle it has 20 different parts but they are all piled into one spot with the sword on top. that is very messing but im not sure what your aiming at for the middle so i can not real comment on it much. ok another thing not one thing was geo merged or interlocked go to forge 101 Forging 101 - Forge Hub

    Forging 101 is a persons guide to forge it has everything possible to forge on halo 3 this i have learnt many things that i did not even think was possible.

    forging 201 which is for infection map making.
    Forging 201 - Forge Hub

    But you will only need this if you tend to map a infection map.
    #2 Combat P3nguin, Oct 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  3. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What I was aiming for in the middle was basically a bridge, separating the 2 sides;red and blue. I agree, it does look very messy in the picture, but when you actually play it, you will see how its a separator. I just learnt about forging today so my next map will definitely have some of that in it.

    But thanks for your input, I appreciate it.
    #3 Z3ro Man, Oct 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  4. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you want i will download it and fix it up for ya GT Combat P3nguin add me if you want me to help
  5. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah for sure, I'll add you. That would be great if you can fix up any flaws you can see.
  6. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Did you mean that sarcastically? cause honestly this is you're first map and all but its not good, try ghost merging, take you're time, interlock, geomerge, ect. ect. otherwise i'll give it 1.5/5 sorry
  7. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whoa, your quite generous -.- Keep in mind this was my 1st map, with no experience. I had know knowledge of merging,interlocking or anything of that sort. And for the record, I did take my time, it can be hard at times.
    #7 Z3ro Man, Oct 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  8. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The flamethrower spawn are very cool but your wood bridge its very WTF You but a lot of bridge at the same place ! I f you do a V2 Change this for a better gameplays !
  9. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, thanks for your input, I really appreciate it. I do plan on changing the bridge as I must agree with you, its way to cluttered and can be toned down alot. But aside from the bridge I don't think its to bad in terms of messiness and clutter.
  10. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i can never get over how terrible recon speller is at spelling. anyways, keep forging and try interlox and such. and i hate it when people tell others, oh yea just try ghost merges. without proper experience people will make terrible maps soley with the ghosts, let them do regular lox first.
  11. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool, Yeah I will definitely start using merging techniques, and I am assuming interlox means merging/welding? Anyways, if you have any more suggestions for the map that would be great, but please play it rather then just looking at the pics :p

    But thanks for your input.
  12. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya know you are kind of dipping down farther into gameplay than you think because Look at your bridge. It is made half of moveble items so it could effect gameplay a lot good or bad. The challenge for you is making it affect it good. But nice start. As people have mentioned it could be cleaned up but nice first maop. I remember forging way back on Guardian trying to place turrets and they would only be facing one way because I had no idea what the right trigger did. -_-
  13. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I know this is your first forged map so it is going to look messy. You might think of looking through other maps before doing any more work to see the usual level of asthetics on forgehub. For a start this is good, but a bit sloppy and lacks what is needed for good gameplay.
  14. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks to both of you for your feedback, it helps alot. I think my next map Is going to be on Sandbox again, but on the main level, rather then below, and I will be spending alot more time on it, using various forge techniques, and will also test it alot more for ideal game play.
  15. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks you to keep my idea for your map ! and Wooden leaf im french noob guys !

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