Debate The Forge Hub Dialogues

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    This is a closed debate. You may post but you may not debate other responses. That will be saved for the follow up thread. ANY NONCOMPLIANCE WILL BE INFRACTED ON SIGHT.

    You will be reading a few questions after this brief intro. Answer to the best of your abilities. If you feel a question does not deserve a response declare it illogical and move on.

    None of the following are stupid questions. No debating amongst yourself.


    What was before creation (assuming a Christian creation)?

    What was before the Big Bang?

    Does the trinity make sense?

    Does original sin imply a sinful birth?

    Can god create unlimited things?

    Is there such a thing as just war?

    If the universe is finite what's outside the universe?

    Is "what is outside the universe" infinite?

    Can some infinities be larger than others?


    I will respond to all the questions in bold in the follow up thread.

  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    What was before creation (assuming a Christian creation)? The rest of the universe, with a visible gap where an Earth-like planet should probably be added.

    What was before the Big Bang? Time is a dimension, which along with all other dimentions, did not exist prior to the big bang.

    Does the trinity make sense? In the context of the morality story of the Bible, yes, but no further.

    Does original sin imply a sinful birth? If you believe in the garden of Eden story, then everybody is, so yes.

    Can god create unlimited things?
    He has an item limit. He removed the previous OLN universe, restricting his limit.

    Is there such a thing as just war? To the person being declared upon, no.

    If the universe is finite what's outside the universe? The mind can't grasp the concept of 'nothing', but if it could, then that would be our reply.

    Is "what is outside the universe" infinite? Yes

    Can some infinities be larger than others? Infinity isn't measurable
    #2 Matty, Oct 12, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  3. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    What was before creation (assuming a Christian creation)?

    It depends on where the line is drawn. The creation of the earth, or the universe? If the former, then the universe and heavenly bodies. If the latter, then God himself and likely heaven, although unknown.

    Does the trinity make sense?

    Physically, no. Metaphorically speaking, yes.

    Does original sin imply a sinful birth?


    Can god create unlimited things?


    Is there such a thing as just war?


    If the universe is finite what's outside the universe?

    This would require me to answer definitely, and that I cannot do.

    Is "what is outside the universe" infinite?

    If the universe is infinite, yes. If the universe is finite, then it could be or could not be.

    Can some infinities be larger than others?

    Yes, depending on the premise and/or definition of infinity.
  4. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    What was before creation (assuming a Christian creation)? Just God. God who lived in an endless void by himself. I'd go out and create a world if I were him. It'd get a bit boring otherwise.

    What was before the Big Bang? In a non-religious, mainstream scientific sense, a tiny particle, so small that it's size is comparable to the notion of an 'instant' of time, that contained enough matter/energy to create the universe we see nowadays, + all the energy in the universe. Personally, I think that there is a continuous cycle of Big Bangs and Crunches. I know there is a little problem about the infinite time with that theory.

    Does the trinity make sense? Unless God is a shape-shifter, no.

    Does original sin imply a sinful birth? Yes, as it supposedly carries sin down from Adam and Eve onto all human people. So every single one of us are sinful, and can only be redeemed by God or the Second Coming.

    Can god create unlimited things? No, as he would have to create new things out of nothing, which is impossible. Unless he 'recycled' preexisting matter or created matter/energy out of his own 'body.'

    Is there such a thing as just war? If the war does not become total war and absolutely no innocents are harmed, plus it is a localized, surgical series of strikes upon the perpetrators/instigators of the war/reasons for war. Finally, the reasons for the war must be apparent and be seen by a general populace of many countries and people to be a true atrocity.

    If the universe is finite what's outside the universe? The universe, being all the matter and energy existing, is naturally finite. Yet the space that it could take up had there been more available matter is void of anything, and so there is nothing outside of the universe. This is effectively what we know as 'space.'

    Is "what is outside the universe" infinite? Yes.

    Can some infinities be larger than others? Infinity is simply infinity, it is an immeasurable amount that cannot be treated like a standard number. Infinity simply goes on and on, one could never reach it. A particular infinity (e.g. numbers) is not definable as larger or smaller than other infinities (e.g. space)
  5. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    What was before creation (assuming a Christian creation)?
    If you assume time is a dimension, nothing. Just like there is nothingness outside of the furthest reaches of our galaxy. There's no boundary marking the edge of our universe; matter just exists up until a certain point that it has not reached yet. Similar to how time only exists up until a certain point, just because it hasn't reached there yet.
    What was before the Big Bang?
    The Big Bang marked the beginning of perceivable time. Before it there was nothing.
    Does the trinity make sense?
    Does original sin imply a sinful birth?
    Can god create unlimited things?

    If you assume the Christian omnipotent god's existence, then yes, he should be able to make unlimited things.
    Is there such a thing as just war?
    Yes. If every human was perfectly rational there would be no war, and no justification for war. Sadly, that's not the case. War is justified when the benefits of victory outweigh the benefits of non participation or the negatives of war, in some sense.
    If the universe is finite what's outside the universe?
    Emptiness that has not yet been expanded into.
    Is "what is outside the universe" infinite?
    The empty space outside the universe can only be consider to exist once matter enters it. In that sense, the empty space outside the universe is infinite and nothing a the same time. If you assume that the universe will expand forever, than yes, it will expand into the infinitely large area of emptiness around the universe.
    Can some infinities be larger than others?
    No. Infinity is concept that does not exist in nature. The only time when infinity truly exists is a (0/infinity) idea. Such as that there are infinite single dimensional points in any given area - each one is infinitely small (0), and thus there are infinite of them.
  6. El Diablo

    El Diablo Ancient
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    What was before creation (assuming a Christian creation)?

    I don't know, all it says is, " 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. " So I would assume God since he would have to be there for him to create something, but there is no actual mention of before the "beginning".

    What was before the Big Bang?

    All matter was at a point. Then WA-BAM!!(kinda)

    Does the trinity make sense?

    Yes, if you think of God as kind of an essence that is everywhere, then you can say that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are just highly concentrated areas of this essence. Kind of like a glass of water with two ice cubes in it, it's all still water.

    Does original sin imply a sinful birth?

    Well yes, but that is assuming that original sin is truth.

    Can god create unlimited things?

    Yes, omnipotence, duh. If you want proof, he created the universe and it is infinite sorta(get to that later).

    Is there such a thing as just war?

    Its always justified in the instigator's mind, but objectively, no.

    If the universe is finite what's outside the universe?
    Is "what is outside the universe" infinite?

    ok, now I'll explain it.
    Matter is obviously finite, so there is an area of the universe that contains matter this part is finitely defined. Then there is just a vacuum outside of this area that goes on forever(infinite). I would define all of this as the universe so the universe is infinite, but someone else may define the universe as just the part that contains matter.

    Can some infinities be larger than others?
    Yes. I don't know how to get the symbols so I'll just write it out.

    f(x)=x^2 + 1

    limit of f(x) as x goes to infinity = infinity

    limit of g(x) as x goes to infinity = infinity


    x^2 + 1 > x always

    so theoretically the f(x) infinity is bigger than the g(x) infinity
  7. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    What was before creation (assuming a Christian creation)?
    >> Just God, according to the story.

    What was before the Big Bang?
    >> Super-condensed particles, quite a few of them, all in one spot.

    Does the trinity make sense?
    >> Not really. It's metaphorical at best. Then again, if we're allowing for the existence of God to begin with, we are already outside the bounds of observable, explainable natural phenomena.

    Does original sin imply a sinful birth?
    >> Depends on your source. I have no reason to firmly hold any particular version to be true.

    Can god create unlimited things?
    >> Again, if we're allowing for the existence of God to begin with, we are already outside the bounds of observable, explainable natural phenomena.

    Is there such a thing as just war?
    >> Yeah, I believe so. Human behaviour is highly explainable, and justice is a human construct.

    If the universe is finite what's outside the universe?
    >> Raisin Bran and insanity.

    Is "what is outside the universe" infinite?
    >> At some point, it has to be, doesn't it?

    Can some infinities be larger than others?
    >> Not to my understanding.
    #7 Indie Anthias, Oct 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009

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